Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Bull-effing-shit! I did not think I was abused growing up and here I am 60 years later trying to undo the damage. If someone is smashing your foot with a hammer, a broken finger doesn’t hurt much.

In Raleigh after a hurricane hit in ‘98, so many old trees were knocked down that portable lumber mills were booked solid for a year out to turn old family trees into useful lumber - everyone wanted a family heirloom made from the old trees.

My mother (French) eats cheese with mold on it - even the blue-green mold on cheddars. She is 95 years old and is really pissed that she is in lockdown - she wants to walk the halls.

Especially the one where the Hamms bear drives a truck that smashes the Olympia motorcycle.

This is how I cleaned the kitchen floor! I boil some water, pour it onto the already swept floor, then throw a towel down and scrub the floor with my feet.

Gotta go try that now, I keep all my pans on the cook top to hide all the accumulations but even I can see that I really need to clean that shit up - probably better to hire it done.

Hey! The ‘piss water’ has been soaked in stale cigarette butts, I’ll have you know; adds that burnt cork taste Seattleites love

“Two pieces of butt lint” - Gonna save that line for later use

It’s odd but you can read a lot into whether someone says ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’

Well said.

Yeah - that’s it “Get over it”! Does that really work for you? “Cancel Culture” is a RWNJ expression, get over it.

Not all icebergs

I grew up in Livingston, MT (Yellowstone Park again - aw, mom can’t we someplace else); among the many stupid tourist stories is the one about the dad who put honey on his kids face to get a cute pic of the bear licking her - it did not end well. They had to kill the bear.

I am of the shorter group (5'8.5" probably shorter, my GF was 5'8.5" but probably taller - there was an inch difference in our heights, sigh) and I always wished I was somewhat taller. I have a friend who is 5'6" - he says that he get a lot of shit for his height - I better stop here cuz I don’t know where I am going

A tall friend of mine, fed up with all the “how’s the weather up there?” comments would reply “raining” and spit on them.

I still can’t ‘star’ on this damned pc and my old laptop finally died (a horrible, lonely death in the back room full of specialists pulling the guts out to transplant into unsuspecting, frail laptops)

I remember LBJ saying that being VP is the equivalent of a bucket of warm spit (he really talked that way).

She will probably not have to run for president - I hope that Joe is able to serve out his 8 years but there is the statistical likely-hood that he won’t.

I, too, do not care if you like how I cook my steak: