YYG! Starmee

@Moskau50: You'd trust the fate of the U.S. to Obama? Really? ... wait a second ...

One word: Unobtainium

@jetRink: Bwa ha ha, "Gizmodo would be one of the few places [you] could count on to not blow this story out of proportion." He he ha. That's a good one. ha ha My side aches.

@Nikkoli: I'm not an avid bowler, but I do understand the oiling. The majority of the lane is oiled and slick. This allows the bowler to put spin on the ball, but let's the ball travel straight down the lane. At about 10-20 feet in front of the pins, the lane is no longer oiled. That's where you see the ball

Of course, since every bowling alley prepares their lanes differently. EARL didn't stand a chance, but Chris had better step it up for game 2. He was problem throwing up a major facepalm at that 259.

It's a Michelson-Morley interferometer.

@coonsrc: That's a very racist comment.

@kaffeen: Just Charles Barkley and his ring of 5 friends.

@williamgarzon: So you're saying you're 28. I would've guessed 24.

@kaffeen: Help a dunce out. What is the first of the four digits? Who's privileges does that 4 apply to?

@Kat Hannaford: All my hopes and dreams, flushed, ruined, demolished. Curse you and your wonderfulness!

@webdevmike: Why does your Ford pic have a GM sticker in the corner?

@Curves: No, your left heel just broke.

Is that jDiaz's car?

@FriarNurgle: You just lost your "heart" so that I could "heart" you again.

I add my voice to those who have gone before me. That's not a freaking jeep.

@KeyserSöze: Big Dog creeps me out. I did like the parody with the two actors in some asian city. Still Big Dog gives me the willies.