Yvette Regrets


I hope Steve McQueen directs

I'm really excited about this! I didn't expect to like Gone Girl (the book) anywhere near as much as I did

She's apparently fine with a sadistic sociopath, but not the word fuck

I worked with a lady (not that long ago) who was obsessed with Live, she used up all her vacation days to travel around the country going to their shows.

St. Lucia is really good!

Me too!!!! Loved seeing Toadies and Violent Femmes, did not stick around for the Wallflowers

Same! I was so bummed at the time

They are the same person

Fan Fic being written

Just use your safeword

Yeah, but if you want someone to keep going if yr protesting, you have to have a safeword…. just in case they go too far. I mean that's basic stuff, right?

She can move on to a brand spanking new project now!

Nashville or Walden! Everything else can suck it!

This may be my favorite AV Club review ever. Thank you for this

I'm doing this for my kids back home

I love the Drag Race confessionals that are just someone raising an eyebrow or making stank face.

So you love RuPaul's Drag Race most of all?

Literally, the reason I sold my pickup truck and bought a sedan

So I can make $10,000 for messing up someone else's house???? ANd the only downside is Adam Corrola badmouthing me?
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