Yvette Regrets

Same :-(

Not white but pretty effete and I love Wes Anderson movies, so I think you have to be one or the other

Lucky, I wish I was having sex with people of my own gender right this second, sigh…

Things ain't what they used to be.

Damn, why do I find that so hot?

I had a painting professor in undergrad who made us listen to Howard Stern while we painted EVERY CLASS. I didn't mind him at first and then I grew to hate him from overexposure

If I'm writing ANYTHING, even memos or emails, I can't listen to spoken word (audio books, podcasts, NPR)-but if I'm drafting or working on spreadsheets or something, then I totally would rather listen to people talking than music

The lady in the cubicle next to me listens to Top 40 pop, light love songs, or 90's R&B-all sans headphones, so I listen to whatever she's got going on most days. When I absolutely cannot take it for another second, I pop in my headphones and listen to whatever Aquarium Drunkard has on his Spotify Playlist for this

Eh, some of my favorite shows from the past few years have either been from Netflix or Amazon (Orange is the New black, House of Cards, Transparent, Mozart in the Jungle)—I don't think I'm missing out if CBS goes under and I never get to watch the Big Bang Theory ever again.

I don't know anyone who watches Orphan Black when it airs but everyone I know is watching it streaming—which I guess proves the point of this article

I was a buyer/salesgirl at Buffalo Exchange which is pretty much the same thing-and yeah, I was a little snotty

I always thought that too-damn I could live in NY for what I pay to live in New Orleans. Hm. (Granted, I live alone here in a 2 bedroom house with a yard but still…)

Hari Kandabolu ftw

Bedtime Story and human Nature are my favorite Madonna songs

I know I'm alone in this, but I miss Santino. Carson Kressley is ughhhhhhhhh

I saw that last weekend live and was in literal Pussy heaven

On Drag Race as in life

Unless you're a historian or a historiographer! In grad school I read SO many old history books and while a lot of them are full of utter crap and can tell you almost nothing about the era they were written about, they're really helpful to understand the era that they were actually written in.

I go with "culturally catholic" even though I'm a pretty hardcore Atheist.

Literally crying at work, damn it