Yvette Regrets

If my beloved sociopath Pizzazz isn't involved, then I want no part in this

Mercy Thompson!!!!

Sounds like all of human history

So, are you free tomorrow night????

Maybe I'll finally get to see Lady Gaga brutally murdered by Frances Conroy werewolf or eaten alive by ghost Jessica Lange.

I just found out my own dog has cancer and I hate Downton Abbey for forcing me to think even more about how he's going to die soon. Screw you, Fellowes.

I liked her well enough when she got less screen time. This season, especially, I just can't stand her (not just because I would kill -quite possibly literally-for the cushy federal job she fell into without even trying, and just quits because it isn't 'fulfilling' or whatever) - signed a low level government employee

Because we're all dying for those carrots and celery reviews…..

This Is actually really sad, it sounds like you have an eating disorder. I hope you're able to move past this.

Same! Whenever I hear Dramamine, I'm magically 22 again, and just falling in love an ex who adored Modest Mouse. It hasn't tainted the music for me, but it'll forever be associated with her

I usually like the two in tandem

Just wondering, do you specifically want to date someone who shares your religious beliefs or just someone who respects them? I spent 9 years in a relationship with someone who had a radically different belief system than me but we respected each other and it was fine. Our breakup had literally nothing to do with

Architectural history masters degree here! I mean, I have a job tangentially in my field, and I have to just be grateful for that. Making $$$$ will never be in my future

I think you're totally right. I see religiousness as sort of akin to a super fandom but for Jesus (or Zeus, or whatever God it is that this person worships). So if I was a super fan of something, I'd go to the place where other super fans congregate and work outwards from there

Don't church's have bible studies or prayer groups or singles mixers? I don't know much about church but it seems like from what I remember from 7th Heaven that churchy people are always getting together to socialize.

Shouldn’t that religious guy be able to meet ladies at church? I assumed that one of the big selling points of going to church is that you automatically meet folks there
that have the same belief system and lifestyle goals you do? I think it would be harder to meet people who shared your beliefs if there wasn’t one

This is amazing.

I will watch this!


The first time I heard this song I thought it was the single from some amazing new Cure album and was kind of bummed to learn that it wasn't, but still… So good.