
VW treats the US market like a drunken, co-dependent ex-girlfriend.

So it's like a mix of Junk Yard Wars and Monster Garage.

Wow! Now that is professional. Majorly screwing up but still continuing the performance. The show must go on no matter what! Way to go! Hats off to this trooper!


Torch, sometimes I think you might just be a guy who somehow got access to Jalopnik's passwords and has been engaging in a low-level troll campaign ever since.

For some reason I read "For them, right now, we don't exist yet" in Sagan's voice. Great article.

"shaft that connects to multiple chambers, including one with demons holding knives."

Good thing the doctor doesn't drive a BMW...he'd have no idea what the foreign object was!

Maybe they're worried the cocaine will make him go faster.

That's a fuckin' Corey and Trevor move if I ever saw one

High horsepower, mid engined... I fear he may quickly come to find out why Group B rally was disestablished.

Unfortunately, this can't be true, due to the well-known scientific fact that "whoever smelt it dealt it." What is a surprise is that NASA apparently built a farting robot. Your tax dollars at work.

The dials are made up of hearts from its predecessors?

93,000 kms/58k miles....that's not bad.

It would've been great if at the end, he goes to shake their hands again, and the cops found that they've been handcuffed to each other. Surprise!

Archer Simpsons FTW!

Assuming the $72 is pre-tax and $21837 is post-tax as your post seems to indicate, your roommate's sister worked approximately 115 hours a week for the entire month of December? I personally would not refer to 505 hours in a month as "a few hours." That's 16.3 hour days for 31 days straight. Your roommate's sister