Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

This post is making me crave a big, beefy, char-broiled hamburger sammich and a french-fried potatoes garnish.

Cut "Walk Unafraid" first. That song makes me cringe with all that "little lamb" BS.

Nothing is worse than I-80 thru Nebraska.

Or T. Herman Zweibel himself…

Haha, it's funny because he never actually looked at any kiddie porn!!!

I'm not sure what you mean by your first paragraph, but I just want to say that I still think Empty Glass is a masterpiece.

I'm so embarrassed that until I read this article I never realized "Flower Punk" was a parody of "Hey Joe", even after knowing both songs for more than several decades. I always knew there was something familiar about FP in its lyrics & structure, but I could never quite put my finger on it.

OK, this is a somewhat related rant.

The live version of "Sample and Hold" from the taped Berlin concert is only 6:19 long and it rocks:

Based on your comment, I'm interested in your opinion on the culinary value of Play-Doh.

This looks like a pretty good approximation. Thinking about trying it myself:

There was Lena Headey's Lady Stoneheart clue that ended up being a fake-out.

You say "womanizing drug addict" like it's a BAD thing…


Not a good week to eat pizza while watching ORPHAN BLACK…

For some reason I always forgot Cosima is Maslany even if it's just a publicity photo in my FB feed. (Yes, I still do the Facebook I don't care how uncool it is…)

I mentioned this in last week's comments, so all prizes are rightfully mine…

Oh . . . I only watched the first one once and remember nothing about it except that Chiklis was pretty good. . .

I agree about Jordan, so why not cast a black actor as Sue Storm as well to keep the family dynamic clear? Off the top of my head, I would say Kerry Washington or Lupita Nyong'o would be great.

Looks like the episode titles this year are drawn from Eisenhower's Farewell Address. So I guess the cloning programs are the military-industrial complex in action.