Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

What's a teamster's sandwich? Is it any good?

I think you're unjustly characterizing the actions of the "other guy" (his character's name is Diaz, played by Frank Grillo) when you say he's merely "giving up." He's badly injured and he knows he's only slowing the others down. By choosing to die at that time and place, he's buying Neeson and the other remaining guy

Stannis, a mannis, a plannis, a canalis — wait, this doesn't work…

I don't think Thorne is really less of an asshole, he's just a noble, principled, courageous asshole.

Of course, the show does such a good job of establishing an environment of paranoia that it was only after he got killed that you realized he was the nicest diner cook in Toronto. Before that you didn't know what he was up to…

This review has made me ask myself "Why oh why haven't I been reading Myles's reviews all season.

I remember the days when I scoffed at the need to see Guy Maddin movies immediately because they were right there in my Netflix cue and such a respected and relatively inexpensive auteur would never be dropped from Netflix, right?

OK, after the mention of the Hold Steady, I can totally hear that line in Craig Finn's voice, but I have to admit that I only got into the HS long after my memorizing lyrics phase, and as an old dude I'm still completely baffled.

Magnetic Resonance Angiogram?

It looks like she had her lips pumped up to me, but I noticed that from the beginning of the show.

I can't see how D&D would waste the opportunity. Their whole MO from the beginning has been to engineer situations in which major characters get together that didn't happen in the books. So why would they not follow thru on something that is so obviously in keeping with their vision of how the show should work when

That graphic novel is based on a GRRM short novel, if you don't know (don't mean to sound like a jerk, but your post isn't clear as to whether you're aware of it). Anyway, there are 3 Dunk & Egg novellas in existence, and a fourth on the way, unless the last one has already been published.

All I can come up with is that TVD is making a reference to the male whore that Oberyn was so hot for, but I don't remember any mention of him, unless it just slipped by me. Anyway, I'm too lazy to go back and check because I still have Mad Men to watch tonight…

I can't explain the hoodrat, but I'm glad that someone besides me was just as puzzled by that statement.

I'd like to see the dragon from Dragonslayer, which wasn't a great movie, but it had a pretty kickass dragon.

And they've already made that point over and over again in previous Betty storylines….

No, they would be trousers.

I love that FLW doc. The extensive use of Beethoven on the soundtrack is perfect. Especially the entrance to the Unity Temple to the strains of the second movement of the Emperor Concerto.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.

As a counterpoint, Lawless is a movie with Shia LaBoeuf in it that I have seen.