Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I'm having the same problem tonight with comments not appearing.

I found the face-hammering repulsive but the aftermath with Gosling and Mulligan locking eyes afterwards hooked me into the movie and convinced me to stick with it.

"greatest soul singer ever"

Oh man, this guy was such an institution in my formative years.

DINGOES ATE MY BABY was a great name for a band.

Despite its having become a go-to punchline for non-English-language prestige movies from the 80s, I still love Pelle the Conqueror and I don't care who knows it.

Oh man, I saw that film at the drive-in with my parents when I was a kid.

Ezra Pound: The Solitary Volcano, a critical biography of the poet, and the Library of America edition of his poems and translations in tandem.

Concerning your 2nd paragraph, I would say that there were probably the same kind of conversations trying to "figure out" 19th-century serialized novels, but without the internet to facilitate those discussions.

Rejoice, death is not the end!
Rejoice, Carcosa!
Rejoice, we don't change our clocks in AZ so I'll be seeing the TRUE DETECTIVE finale an hour earlier tonight!

"Hant" we says 'round these parts.

Is this where I can finally hate on McSweeney's for being worthless, middle-brow shit?

Did it bother anyone else that the Daleks kept saying "Time Lord science" when they meant "Time Lord technology"?

I don't know. It seemed like one of those bad nights a group of friends has when they're drunk that everyone pretends never happened a week later. Have enough of them, though….

Well, they were partners, which is a sacrosanct relationship (at least in movies & TV), especially if that partner helped you cover up a murder, albeit the murder victim was scum who deserved it.

This article gives me an idea: with the Peter Scolari connection, they should cast Bob Newhart as Hanna's grandfather on Girls.

The YYP was a much bigger deal until about 40 years ago, but I was thinking it would probably still open plenty of doors in academia for the winner. So I was wondering whether that was realistic that he would be writing ad copy instead of professoring somewhere.

My first exposure to Sinead was seeing the video for "Troy" on 120 Minutes one night in '87 or '88. Afterwards, I just sat there with my jaw on the floor thinking What the fuck was that?

The SuperBowl was supposed to be streaming live online tonight, but I went to the Fox Sports site and all they showed was like 5 hours of coverage of some train wreck in New Jersey.

Also, in addition to the usual sleep deprivation and other methods the producers use to fuck with the contestants, he did the main part of the competition with a case of strep throat that he never had the chance to properly recuperate from!!!!