Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Yeah, it's one thing to say that the "will they or won't they" dynamic and then the "will they or won't they AGAIN" dynamic had grown tiresome, but it's utter blasphemy and perversion to suggest that the show actually improved after Long left. Granted, it was almost never an outright bad show, but it never again

It's probably also worth mentioning that the Devil's band lays down a kind of funk/disco groove, i.e., black music, that Johnny, the narrator tells us, blows away with his retrogressive shitkicker jig — but don't confuse Daniels's heartfelt convictions with racism.

Come on, Ray Stevens wasn't a one-hit wonder. What about "Ahab the Arab"? It went to #5 on the Billboard Top 40 in 1962.

Mid 20s is what I meant by "very young". My parents are working-class Midwestern squares to whom even Pet Sounds era Beach Boys music was too weird, so having a parent who would take you to see Sonic Youth seems strange & exotic to me.

Actually, I think only Nick makes a big fat deal about Carlos cooking Mexican food. Because Nick's an asshole. Shirley and Nina both let their heritage shine thru their dishes and he doesn't talk shit about them.

I'm guessing you're very young & not from the Midwest.

The Beach Boys (sans Brian and Dennis Wilson)
Rick Springfield (opener: Corey Hart)

Exactly. Raylan can't even see that Loretta is him at that age and that he's the key player in her life just like Helen was in his. But external knowledge leads me to think that this story line will not and can not be developed — namely, that Kaitlyn Dever is contractually obligated to that shitty Tim Allen series and

Nor do half the examples in the article, so I'm just sayin'….

Out on the tour with the Smashing Pumpkins
Nature kids, they don't have no function

There's no women in Alaska
There's no Creoles in Vermont
There's no coast of Nebraska
My mother, I forgot

Butts off! Streets ahead!

I too braced myself for the worst after hearing the Hitfix review, only to find Rapaport's performance really quite good, except for a few slips of accent.

What was with the all the comments about Nick being a dreamboat around here last week or the week before? And some of those commenters disparaged Carlos in the process of describing how much they wanted to fuck Nick. I mean, I respect the guy. He seems like a good cook & good leader, and I definitely admire how he

I just want to know who I should kill and who I should have sex with:

Maybe I need to rewatch this episode, which I've only seen once, because all I can remember is the laughable line "That Dalek just absorbed the entire internet. It knows everything!" and the bewildering plot mechanism in which the Dalek comes back to life when Rose touches it . . . because DNA!

Are these available on velvet?

This live version really rocks, too:

Popcorn does NOT belong in an entrée.

Modell and that guy who is always standing in his office smoking cigarettes.