
Because the simplicity and validity of my argument only needs a single sentence. It’s not for everyone and you’re arguing it’s almost a necessity.

People that live in 1 bedroom apartments with a cat. We done here or are you going to continue?

You’re arguing for egalitarianism in an environment (the labor market) that is anything but because of the specifics of jobs themselves. Entertainers get more leeway, it’s a perk of the job. Being a professional entertainer is a different kind of hard work that not everyone is able to do.

Stockton Syndrome being California and all.

1. My job would be fine with it. We’ve done it as a company a few times

Cleaner to eat isn’t a plus in my book. Honestly, I want to smell like Frank’s Hot Sauce 2 days after I chow down on a dozen wings.

I love wings and football and protests. These fuckers...

This isn’t universally true, but certainly true in any city with the necessary density to make delivery profitable.


But its fucking white meat. The worst kind.

The runoff benefit of youths not liking bones in their meat is more for me.

Hopefully it leaps to humans.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I keep wanting to post a baby boomer death clock on Facebook but I know my mom, my liberal jewish mom would go into conniptions over it.

Just try it? I mean honestly, are you more afraid of not getting any tips or having someone like yourself throw a hissy fit at the notion of it, in person, to you, directly?

For real! that was my exact thought when reading the first letter - how did Chidi send a letter from “The Good Place”

You quite clearly have never been in a relationship when you were young that was all about fucking.

No one in college can date? Sure, drag everyone down to your level.

First Letter is this guy: