
Nathan For You isn’t for everyone. My wife and I generally have an overlap of humor that is about 90% - that 10% divergence is Nathan For You and similar.

Man, fuck this school. Raising kids to be consumer whores.

Lyft wants it both ways - they don’t want full time people driving for them due to all the possible shit they’d be on the hook for while knowing full well the only people who make them bread are those who by virtue of themselves can’t do much else and wind up doing driving full time.

This is essentially the problem with every single ‘no barrier to entry’ job in the country. 

Terrorists are going to love these flying cars.

Yeah, a way to thin the herd of people that don’t know their own incompetence.

I can’t wait for 3 decades of Republican control. I’m giddy with what awful shape this country will be in.

Millennials have been disabused of the notion that their voice matters at all. So tack on a few decades to the misery you envision.

It’s almost like asking for white saviors without them being up their own ass about saving, which unsurprisingly is what motivates a lot of people.

This “shouldn’t have to” thing needs to die. This kind of mentality explains the apathy of actually fighting for things.

Fuck Greens.

Cause I can’t murder everyone instead.

So the Catholic God in a way, condones murder. Good to know.

I live just 20 minutes walking from Key Arena - I’ll definitely go to a few games a season if they’re playing. Watching hockey live is a lot of fun.

Your false dichotomy wasn’t convincing the first time.

I’d like to believe that our self righteousness is enough but it so clearly isn’t.

I always vote Hotep, don’t blame me.

Oh no, I don’t spend enough time at reddit! Heavens to Betsy what shall I ever do?

Thats half the fun of this.

Beautiful game my ass