It serves its purpose - the servers complaining about it will do far more than customers complaining about it.
It serves its purpose - the servers complaining about it will do far more than customers complaining about it.
but dumb shit seems to be inherent in the black community lol
Yeah, if I ever eat at a place that does this I’m taking that extra out of my tip for sure. Not even joking - especially if they try and calculate the tip based on the total amount with all the bullshit added.
13% Did you meant 5%?
This. Build it into the price of the food. As a business owner it’s your responsibility to pay this shit, don’t pass the cost on to me this obviously.
It’s not that shes upset or that she has a voice - it’s that she’s an idiot who doesn’t understand the world or the problem. Her time would be better spent planting trees and recycling than complaining to people and yelling at people who won’t do anything.
I’m neither rich nor white and I hate her. Also never had a boot in my mouth so fuck me I guess?
eh, 16 is close enough honestly and if we go back to the time our biology comes from - being attracted to a 16-18 year old is completely ok. They’re extremely fertile and that’s what our inert biology looks for.
Thank God for recruiters and headhunters am I right? All of my last 5 jobs have come that way and I’m not sure I’d know how to apply or get a job without one. Getting that pretty much instant feedback and person with access to the info you need is a Godsend.
I’ve always been told to ask for a business card. Sometimes people don’t have them. But I like your rule of thumb - you’d think if they work at one of the stupid companies that requires a thank you note to hire you that they’d be at the ready with a business card and offer it to you at the end of the interview,…
I’m in the same position as you - not a hiring manager but I do interviews for my company - both cultural and technical for the role I do for my company. Not once in the year I’ve been doing this has anyone sent me anything. And even if they had or hadn’t it wouldn’t change my mind about them. They either make the cut…
This is idiotic and I truly believe that your company has missed out on tons of great employees due to this policy. Taking the time to polish my resume and craft it according to the specific job description your company published shows that I can be bothered to care. And then loading it into your antiquated talent…
I can get from my couch to the gate at my airport within 30 mins. TSA pre-check helps. Planes load about 30-45 mins before takeoff. So call that a whole hour. I can almost always pack without needing to check luggage - including a 2 week European trip I took earlier this year - so no need to wait for baggage for…
Because index match is a nested function that’s harder to use than vlookup?
My diet doesn’t force me to make any choices. I eat what I want to eat when I want to eat it.
I use at least 2 pounds (so 32) of red meat for my lunch meal prep each week. That’s just for 5 lunches.
My wife and I are a lot like you - we didn’t love the cruise because we want to get there and do things - it’s not about the journey there! That said the food was nice but not worth it. Got to try some cool things and knowing that everything was paid for and if we didn’t like something it didn’t hurt to just ask for…
I had some of his burgers on a carnival cruise and they were really fucking good.
There’s a reason I lie on applications about my epilepsy and diabetes and such.
This is the correct answer. And why do we have good immune systems? Cause we don’t try and avoid germs! Can’t stress this enough to people