
You are not. I mention as soon as we sit down that I’ll be paying for my half of the bill so that there’s no argument at the end of the evening. I abhor the idea of expecting the guy to pay for a date that I have accepted with him - I don’t expect my friends to pay for me when we go to dinner, why is this different?

That sounds like a neat idea... they were obviously fresh though, not preserved! :p

I remember dissecting fish in grade 7, frogs in grade 8, and pigs in grade 11 bio.

I say mum (from Toronto, also a journalist), we also ‘re’ words, and use defence not defense. Then there are words like dialogue that we retain from England vs. American dialog. Not to mention our ‘ll’s’ in words like dishevelled and the ‘e’ in words like sizeable which is also not American. As for your basil comment,

I would seriously disagree with that. Our ACCENT is more American than British, our actual pronunciation and spelling is more British than American.

I will never understand why, as a Canadian, I get the American version of British books - we find fewer differences in the British English books.

Wouldn’t this just happen more commonly with unshaven women though? Or even the pubic hair of partners?

I’m an atheist Godparent, the kids love dinosaurs and Star Wars so I feel like I’ve got them on the right track.

I LOVE that Sarah Polley is listed on that infographic!

Pure un-apuperated joy!

No no, why aren’t you guys asking the important question?!

I’m probably the cause of someone’s most bizarre funeral experience to be honest.

That sounds so horrible :(

That’s... not how science works. Science has nothing to do with ‘anecdotally proven’ instances. And the fact that you think science can function in the instance of one person really means you’re not team science - or that you really don’t understand what science is.

Absolutely nothing. There is no scientific evidence that this urban myth is in any way true - the lice have no preference.

Correlation and causation are not the same thing. This is like that silly mommy-myth that cutting the hair on a baby makes it grow faster.

This is patently untrue, and has been proven incorrect by oh so many studies. Lice couldn’t care less whether your hair is clean or dirty, so using hair products or not washing your hair is not a proactive method of reducing risk.

Killjoys certainly isn’t as good as Firefly

Sadly I’m the opposite - my adrenaline is going and I’m full of energy after a great orgasm :(

I don’t think anyone else had any doubt as to which Sherlock they were talking about...