
I think next time you should read the entire article...

You do realize Martin Freeman would have likely expressed the same complaint, just with more curse words :p

How dare he point out the obvious and ask his fans to spread the word that it’s a distraction...

So wrestling? Or MMA?

Canadians do NOT leave their doors unlocked... where did you get that idea?!

I am really enjoying this series! I really hope they get renewed.

So... Can women use the ‘Stand Your Ground’ defense?

For once Canada wishes that was one of those silly weather maps that show nothing existing outside the US :p

The boys are both ultra-pale with no base tan to provide any protection.

I am 100 per cent the opposite.

We officially call those ‘Stealth Canoes” ;)

Wasn’t there a study that looked a winning percentage of sorts for all countries and found the French had one of the highest despite this joke (and being on the losing American side of the 1812 war)?

Oh OH! I get my ten points for finding the racist!

I was born in ‘85 and my parents often did that to us in a big city. If asked how I survived I’d respond with “because I’m not a dumbass like I imagine your kids must be...”

I grew up in a city of 3 million and I can promise based on the standards today my parents would have been deemed unfit.

In quite a few countries those benefits are extended to common law couples as well, and more and more countries are headed in that direction.

Well I suppose there really is no point in trying to convince someone who is clearly such a ball of joy to have some fun :p

Than go to concerts, cultural celebrations, or elite sports competitions?

Were they really? Oh man... it’s clearly been a loooong time :p