Your King Mob

It was a DIVX.

I see the coal chewers have already swarmed this thread.

It’s so incredibly tiring to have to bring up the same rock solid points over and over.

Economics are not more important human life FFS.

Yes. YES!

This is how you do it. Address the elephant in the room, without apologies and with the proper amount of negative attitude and explain why this person’s work is relevant and interesting.

Then to include those who are the targets of his racism addressing his work and working within the mythos?

Oh shit, here come the coal chewers.

Just further reinforcement that Facebook will cause the downfall of humanity.

Something Awful was never good. Just like 4chan was never good. Just like most shitposting groups like this were never good.

It never really changed all that much, just the novelty and shine wore off and then you moved on.

Holy shit, how dumb of me for not seeing the comorbidity of fucking nazis and loving police dogs.

Let’s not forget the impact that mining and oil production in Australia has on water use in Australia.

We need winches and crossbows.

✳sighs and types in another set of coordinates into his OTH railgun✳ I’ll never actually fire it at this rate.

In my veins pls.

The problem is: I’m expecting Pelosi to trade away the power she has to NOT bring the impeachment to the Senate for the usual pile of “magic beans” from Republicans.

Dems are jobbers at heart.

I will say this:

Hey, look - this is already filling with pixel bruhs and naysayers.

How predictable.

This whole article left me breathless.

Covington had 2 rounds at most going into this round and then got flushed. Stop caping for a piece of shit.

The fight is available via a number of methods that doesn’t put money into Dana MAGA White’s pockets too.

Seems there was a bug with the new nightlies.  Put up a new version that fixes it, along with a new weapon.