Young Rutiger

She'll go to a parallel universe. Comeback. Live in Australia and train birds?

My friends bought me a dance because they knew it would be entertaining to watch how uncomfortable I was.

Who knew the best way to stop gun violence was to shoot Republicans. It's awful but apparently true.

I've been to a strip club once. I think it is like Pro Wrestling (which I'm a fan). You can only be entertained if you buy into the illusion otherwise it's just weird and fake.

Oh I know, I binge on it during the Olympics

I'll watch Curling everyone once in awhile if they show it.

They're cute but also horrible garbage monsters.

Never forget, Toronto.

Once driving I saw the neighborhood albino squirrel, passed a few more houses and saw the neighborhood albino squirrel. It blew my mind.

Is there any animal with a larger cutest to not being a horrible ratio?

Uh oh, my nephews might not be allowed to watch again.

I'm with you. There are so many small factors in real life that can effect things. You can't exactly replicate pretty much anything. Everything is slightly different and those things pile up. In a videogame, your hand movements (which we aren't probably watching) is usually the only thing that does that. And

Children's card games.

I always assumed you were the Xenomorphs version of Jesus. I don't understand anything!

And that's Gumball, Mahk!

I hope this one is made with stolen cash as well.

When they're dead, They're just hookers.

I'm 41 and stopped playing when I was 12.

The 80s Dungeon and Dragons (as opposed to Advanced Dungeon and Dragons) was a more simplified version and as a kid we shaved off even more of the rules that we didn't care about. (Who cares about food?)

Lets check.
I for one do not enjoy The Fifth Element or Big Trouble in Little China.