Young Rutiger

I enjoy both. But I like the movie more because I agree with its message.

You have no idea what my views on gun control are.

Blowed up good.

Galactus: THANOS
Squirrel Girl: Yeah! You know him? Purple guy? Half goth because he's big into death, but half hipster because he makes his own gloves?
Squirrel Girl: Yeah well, me and Tippy totally beat him up.
Tippy-Toe: And it wasn't a robot, clone or simulacrum either!
Galactus: HAH HAH

99.999% equals 1 in 100,000. Try learning math. Violence in poorer neighborhoods, Cops using disproportional violence, and white supremacist killings are all different things. But you have no interest in discussing what can be done, you just want pretend these aren't problems (or at least you don't want to

Do you wake up each morning thinking "What can I do to be a worse person today?"

So I've never watched this show, is this Roc 2.0? Because I liked Roc.

They are waiting for a time when just regular people are killed. Remove the DC shooting but not the SF one (where victims died) and this would have aired.

I love my nephews but that would be a step too far. No more gifts.

Well to be fair, As a freed house elf, Sessions has power magic. I would probably pretend to be friends if I was around him all the time.

Even cooler if it was the Superstars obstacle course.

Let the thetans be thetans!

There's nothing wrong with the Japanese Buzzsaw. I'm not sure that was a WWE creation either. I think he might have been called that in ECW.

Now he can move in a L pattern and jump over others.

Git R Done really takes on a dark meaning.

MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never knew it was so metal!

The killed all the humans. Do you feel better?

Really, I thought David Cronenberg's work started a rule like that.

Cars 3 is Rated G from everything that I've seen.