
Or you could just use a battery, which is good for about an hour’s worth of use.

That sent up red flags for me, so I checked the report.

It looks like a cross between an iPhone and a peeled potato.

By basically every other measurable the Model S is the superior vehicle, but ticking 99 boxes out of 100 isn’t good enough. The man has to embarrass himself and his company to try and meet a standard that no one asked them to meet.

For those wondering:

You should pretty much ignore Greenpeace these days. They don’t know what they’re talking about anymore. Nevertheless, on this one particular point...

far more product than actual buying demand

$4 gas is nothing and will not change people’s buying habits. This isn’t 2000, 2004 or 2008. I would think the tipping point would be around 8-10 a gallon now.


I’ve said it for a while now: the effects of climate change (lost livelihoods, lost homes, disease, mass migration) combined with cultural sentiments (end-is-nigh panic, frustration over inaction, faceless corporate enemies) create a tinderbox for a spectrum of disruptive protest from Thoreau-style civil disobedience

Neutral: Climate change will wreck the economy before it destroys the environment. A 2°C increase in temperature reduces global GDP by ≈2-3%. A 3°C increase reduces global GDP by ≈10-15%, not including cost of flood damages.[1][2][3]

Tiny rant, tangentially related.

I’m pretty sure Uber and Lyft are trapped in the bald eagle death spiral — they’re plummeting towards bankruptcy, but the first one to raise prices loses its shot at market domination.

Autoboats, roll out.


Someone needs to do this to a Dodge Shadow.

As we say:

You could make the case that for Millenials connectivity and automation are the new chrome and velour.

1st Gear:

I’ll add that you can get away with even longer charge times than 8 hours because you usually don’t need a full battery.