
A Norway study last year showed only 5% of EV charging is done at DCFC stations. For the US, the number is “under 20%,” but that study is from 2013.

The Chevy Bolt’s range boost to 259 miles puts it 1 mile farther than the Hyundai Kona. Considering both are made in Korea and both sell quite well in Korea, I’m guessing that’s the real competition, not the Model 3.

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Motors aren’t silent. You don’t typically hear them because automakers are obsessed with sound isolation. Take that isolation away, and you might not scare pedestrians, but they can sound an awful lot like podracers.

fastest four-door electric vehicle

2 mi/kWh, not 2 kWh/mi. So around 66mpge. Most of that is the fact that it’s a pickup with aerodynamic losses, not the fact that it’s homebuilt — though homebuilt EVs do tend to have lower quality motors and inverters. Compare to an e-tron at 74mpge.

$4500? CP.

In most cases, if it has a motor made for the job, you stick it in 2nd and forget about it.

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They won’t rattle your teeth like a V10, but they’re not silent. 

Formula E desperately needs to find a way to let the teams create their own batteries instead of providing everyone with identical packs. I get why they do it this way — they were worried about fires and severely imbalanced teams in the first season — but I really think it sucks the competition out of the race when

I’ll let you know if I run across any papers describing it completely. Right now, my problem is that I can only find overall NOx numbers (NO, NO2, and N2O combined). While NOx is all pretty bad, N2O is the only greenhouse gas among them.

Don’t conflate the local ecological damages of smog and acid rain with the global climatological damages of greenhouse gasses. Dieselgate had to do with NOx and particulates, not CO2.

I do wonder why we’ve not seen thermoelectric experiments on roadways, especially in the sun belt. Must assume that the efficiency and cost are a double whammy?

According to Pew Research, Millennials are currently ages 23-38. We remember disposable cameras and 24-hr film development at CVS, my dude.

Oh boy, here we go again.

Much like the electric Transit Connect, there’s no sign it will be coming to the US. By the time it does, it will probably be outdated.

I believe it shares a battery pack with the Mercedes EQC. I’m not 100% sure; there’s conflicting data about size. As for the range, it’s short ranged due to aerodynamics and the fact that German automakers are hooked on induction motors.

This isn’t Europe’s only electric van (Nissan, Renault, Peugeot, and even StreetScooter have various models), but it’s certainly the best. 90kWh is the right amount.

Most hybrids are still cleaner, most places, than a Tesla.

they’re the number 2 producer in the world