Would you say a "zero fucks resting face" is the same as a "resting bitch face" or is it different?
Would you say a "zero fucks resting face" is the same as a "resting bitch face" or is it different?
Is it just me or does this description sound like the "plot" of a gay porno?
One of my favorite Beemo moments:
In a completely unrelated topic, I L.O.V.E your Beemo profile picture. I am jealous.
To be honest, I struggle with the concept of bisexuality. I can't say I quite understand it, but I don't judge people for their choices and loving who they love/are attracted to.
I was about to star this post, but then realized it had "69" likes already and felt it was appropriate.
Yes! Love the urban legends idea.
I know I was going to say "aliens" but they did that in season 2. That was (one of many) issues I had with season 2. It did WAY too much.
Cannot. Contain. Excitement.
With that gut he could honorarily have diabetes.
Well this just confirmed to me what I have always thought: Lululemon clothing is not appropriate for any workout other besides walking, pilates and yoga.
I still care about The Hills and deep down inside still hold out hope that L.C. and I will one day be BFF.
Great, another story to confirm that I have accomplished nothing in my life.
Jaimie Alexander — aka Sif in Thor — Has Something To Show You
I love SJP but her hair is too dark, her thick eyeliner makes her look like she is squinting and the cut of the dress does nothing for her adorable body. Not her best look.
Glad I am not the only one who noticed it was him. I was feeling like a creep.
I'm with you. This video almost makes me want to have a child...almost...
Ok I cannot get past the part where he imagines her as 6 feet tall.
If these two crazy kids can't make it work, then who can? (well one kid and one pedophile)