
No. I’d never call someone ‘that’ word. I still don’t know why she did it

Yeah. Except I was hit in the face with a metal bar

Thank you very much :)

Being accused. Funny thing is the girl who accused me also tried to flirt with me years later

Are there any adult choose your own adventure books? I miss them

I nearly lost an eye because of this. I don’t know how common it is but it happens

They could at least provide a living wage the tight bastards

There’s still hope for Jericho apparently!

Keep your crank stories to yourself!

But the warty cockshot was necessary?

Please tell us more about your time in the dark ages

Always have one of these in your pocket, locks any door.

Thats awesome - from me and mrs FN-2187

I’d say it was closer to 98% unfortunately

No good at Photoshop but it’d be a woman peeing on a glass table 😁

No fair! Never released in the UK! Always wanted one

There was the dodgy water thing the prison in the OG series, they usually have mental breakdowns rather than sickness. After all it is a “character drama that happens to have zombies"

Ashamed to say I’ll be watching every single one of these

It’s actually a lot better action wise, there’s a 5-10 minute scene that’s spectacular (in my opinion)

It’s a blog bro. Not CNN