
Geocachers ain’t vegans bro

My ex broke up with me and started seeing someone else in the space of a Month, 2 months later she stops contact so I can’t see my daughter, it fucked me up so bad Its been a year and I’ve only just got my shit together to take her to court so I can see our daughter but her family is quite well off and mine isn’t so


But the war on drugs is nearly over!

I would’ve cringed so much i would’ve imploded, or ran away...I run away a lot :)

I feel weird taking a picture of a cool car so I have no idea how they have the audacity to just whip & snap even though it’s legal. Fucking whippersnappers. ( Not sarcasm)

Latitude & longitude

Thanks for letting Uber shaft you, Cory

Coach Taylor approves!

Clear eyes, full hearts

Got an 11 minute ad on YouTube the other day, only happens when I let a song finish, if you skip just before usually it doesn’t happen, but always 3+ minutes when I’m in the shower....I think YouTube knows I’m in the shower 😓

Sweet LoTR reference 10/10

Takes about a year to grow that much hair, longer if your hair doesn’t grow quicker than usual! Long hair isn’t fun, respect to every woman out there

Nope. I’d like mega extended Lotr trilogy, hobbit if I have to I suppose, until then thou shant be granted entry to thine wallet

Fuckin wicked

Did anyone ever see that TV pilot where the world was based on magic & science was a myth? Super weird but cool


I really hope they manage to get a consumer version going, there are a few on crowd funding websites, I imagine playing Pokemon and shooter games could be amazing, even city builders would be awesome, if you’ve read ready player one I’d basically like a version of that, virtual school & stuff

Abeyant glyph, I’m hoping for a set of AR glasses that are like swimming goggles (all your vision) so you could watch a movie while surfing the web on a bus and still see your surroundings, you could walk down street watching Netflix! Or watch game of thrones while someone is talking to you & they have no idea!

It looks velvet......it just hurts