
Well back to twitter for you, so you can see what Mensa members Joss Whedon and Stephen Colbert have to say about this matter.

Yeah! Racist symbols and names from the past must be banned to preserve people's feelings. I look forward to these same hyenas demanding that the Democratic party change its name :)

Nobody cares what Oliver likes or doesn't like. This is the same clown who said the video of Michael Brown robbing the convenience store had nothing to do with his encounter with police ten minutes later, and that it's some great injustice that criminals can't afford their bail. I'd rather watch Stephen Colbert's

And those minorities thank you for looking out for their delicate sensibilities.

No Oliver, the presence of so many "straight white men" isn't a problem unless you're the kind of idiot who judges someone based on their gender, sexuality, or skin color. Please stop obsessing over such things, it's distracting and stupid.

IOW, George and the TV creators will do whatever they want, so shut up third wave feminists and other worthless non-contributing parasites and go watch something else. Sounds good to me.

Slut-shaming? Because sluts shouldn't be ashamed for acting like sluts. LOL

Now that Stephen Colbert can't be "Stephen Colbert" anymore, it should be interesting to see how he goes about shamelessly fellating the President now. If he ever has Patton Oswalt on the show, I worry for the spunk-cleaning CBS will be paying through the nose for.

It's always hilarious how the same idiots who ignored and mocked Bruce Jenner for a decade because of his association with his worthless family suddenly decides to give a fuck about him because he decided to become a woman. Similarly to how Bradley Manning is suddenly not a traitor who committed treason because he

Don't worry, Martin Luther, no one's going to take away your Gaia-given right to be a thin-skinned clown who shrieks and hisses at stupid shit that doesn't matter. Your Oscar's in the mail.

It's always so hilarious how "progressives" who spend their entire lives being offended at nothing inadvertantly reinforce the stereotype of women being led by their emotions. You could go deaf from the silence if this guy had said that male artists should be played less, since men wouldn't give a shit. Anyway,

What do facts matter to third-wave feminists and other shrieking, emotional, hysterical hyenas?

No one who uses "toxic" to describe language should be taken seriously. Your cultural studies degree has been wasted, I'm afraid.

Yes, we must listen to military expert Obama to determine what technology is needed.

Yeah! No one should be on food stamps. Everyone should be given a guaranteed income, no matter how lazy or stupid they are.

There is nothing inconsistent with it now, but Vietnam showed clearly what many liberals thought of military soldiers.

Dog-whistles, or words liberals make up when they're too stupid or lazy to use a dictionary.

Yeah, you know those AV Club writers, all Heritage Foundation and Stormfront participants.

Union-busting? Good, it's about time public education started worrying about educating students instead of providing guaranteed jobs to teachers, no matter how inept, abusive, or clinically insane.

Or, back in reality, you're anti-war because you don't like the war, or wars in general. But congratulations on implying that being antiwar make you some kind of selfless hero looking out for the soldiers. Your Nobel prize is in the mail.