
Imagine how much happier they could have been if they brought them back for more than a single day

Elon should just walk around in an oversized personal Faraday cage, so that the mean iPhones can’t read his mind and steal all his ideas.

Renner speculates that maybe when things calm down Cruise might pass the baton, but observes that Cruise is “laying into his lane” as an action star and doing pretty well: “His franchises are billion dollar franchises!””

Just out of curiosity, what films do you hear about, and what marketing streams are breaking through to you? I’m in the theaters a lot, so I usually see trailers dozens of times before a movie is out. I never lose track of what’s coming out, but I also can’t really tell where else new movies are being marketed as a

Not that I think there was a huge groundswell of demand for this movie, but it certainly didn’t help to wait nine years. I do think a lot more people were excited for more Furiosa after the first movie, and interest just waned over time.

I doubt even 70 Democratic senators would be enough to dig us out of this nightmare, even if you ignored the fact that Dems are typically uninterested in effecting a lot of change all at once. The last time they had a supermajority was back 2008, and that was with a half a dozen blue dogs who stifled almost every

Haha, that piece of shit is probably already talking about how they never even supported Trump, but also blah blah blah, Biden. Funny how their braindead nihilism allows them to criticise everything while never taking a formal stance for anything at all.

It’s wild that he could be a second, third, and fourth time felon in a manner of months though.

If Musk had worked every single hour over the past six years at Tesla, instead of sleeping on the floor and launching cars into space at his other companies, that amount would come out to just about a million dollars an hour. It’s so far removed from reality that it’s not even a joke.

What’s pretty funny is that Florida voters restored the voting rights of felons in 2020, and the shithead Republicans here immediately legislated a makeshift poll tax, so that felons can only have their voting right restored after paying fines and going through hoops and ultimately being granted reprieve from the

I was going to ask, did this get delayed or what? I’ve been waiting for this movie for a long time. The trailer would recur every few months, and it would just be like “Coming soon”. The last time I saw it was about a month ago and it finally said Summer 2024, but I could have sworn it had been released and I just

I’d never even heard of Europe before Arrested Development!

With that title, I was hoping for an obit.

Rory Kinnear? The person who’s always standing and walking?

I really don’t like “The Doctor abandons his companion for a lifetime” episodes. They rub me the wrong way, even when (or maybe especially when) they turn out to be just a dream, or whatever nonsense this episode pulled out to undo it.

It would be easy enough to offer at least six months of free Spotify, and that would have virtually no effect on their revenue. They should have known better than to release such a device in the first place, so it wouldn’t be entirely out of line to offer them a credit for the full retail amount, but at least offering

I didn’t know this before going in, and I genuinely thought there had to be another Andy Ngo, just like there’s a UK Alex Jones. I can’t imagine any reason to bother consulting Ngo about anything, let alone crediting him for whatever nonsense he told you.

If I thought I had any years ahead of me where I was going to be living like Elon Musk, I’d end it right now.

I guess you’ll just have to learn to take the bad with the ridiculous, weird, and hilariously anachronistic.