
Is there a chance the track could bend?

Right, so “cancel culture” is mostly just one community setting the norms for themselves, and so it’s perfectly understandable that Republicans would be using this method to monitor and discipline themselves. And also, the left successfully cancelled Jon Stewart because as someone who claims to be unable to keep up

I half hope he manages to cancel the thing entirely. I never watched the W movie, even though it looked moderately interesting, because why would I want to spend more time with that guy once he finally slunk off to paint bathtubs? I certainly don’t want a movie about this shithead, who didn’t even disappear after he

There probably is a dark horror flick to be made with Peter Pan, but it definitely wouldn’t be a slasher. And of course, you don’t actually need Peter Pan, just the general character specs

This was quite a good treatise on war, if very over the top with all the “thoughts and prayers”. Not as good as Capaldi’s “The Zygon Inversion”, but what is? Ncuti had some righteous anger buried deep. It also feels unfortunately relevant in that “How does it keep up with the news like that” sort of way.

I think Justin got Jenna and Karen confused there actually, since Jenna didn’t really have a previous appearance. She had a gap between her “guest appearance” and her stint as companion, but the whole thing was planned out in advance, and she was playing the same character, essentially, unlike every other example of

I vote for either Joseph’s half-sister Kate, or Dooley.

Boeing whistleblower training:

The “fusion” is just adding nutmeg

Just a heads up, this is an alt account of SwagMessiah/UniversalSalamander, so there’s no reason to pay it any mind. It’s their “legit” account, which means they try to keep their responses civil, to attract more engagement, but because they’re a stupid, shitty bigot, they can barely obscure their worst impulses.

God, you’re just so lazy at it too. What is this, a netflix special?

Oh, don’t want people to know that this is one of several of your alt accounts, Swag?

Lol, no, but having direct connections to your main troll account sort of makes your shitty opinions moot, Salamander. I mean, you realize you still have a post history, right? One that if you go far enough back on, you start finding the same dumb gifs that the troll account posts while tantrumming over how weak

Lol, no, but having direct connections to your main troll account sort of makes your shitty opinions moot, Salamander. I mean, you realize you still have a post history, right? One that if you go far enough back on, you start finding the same dumb gifs that the troll account posts while tantrumming over how weak and

Now playing

Will they auction them off? I’ve got a project I’m working on.

I watch pieces of shit like this during breakfast

This one was such a no brainer that I’m a little surprised they didn’t leave a “Caine Will Return” tag at the end.

Juan is a known troll. Don’t engage

“The Husbands of River Song” is a great Christmas episode, I don’t know what they’re on about. It’s true that Christmas episodes are generally working at a disadvantage, but I agree that Moffat’s are better on average than RTD’s. Which might be why they broke precedent to have him write this years, when every other

This movie looks pretty terrible to me, but I agree that Germain really does not sell its supposed awfulness here. I don’t understand this need so many people have to get explanations for everything in a story. Like you said, just go with the premise as stated and see if you enjoy it. I’ve found myself enjoying many m