
WE DID IT!! Time to Par-tay Down!

I mean, X-Men has been going on for a pretty long while, and if certain writers have occasionally “answered” the question of whether Magneto or Xavier is right, it would seem that they’re still somehow asking it today. It’s almost as though it’s a question with no finite and concrete answer, not to mention it’s the

Apparently the vacuum of space and its insane cold and hot temps don’t mean anything, just hold your breath and you will be fine.”

It was a cute gag, but I don’t know if it necessarily worked to keep people interested in a sequel show arriving at least a year too late.

It’s not a matter of there being no precedent for it, it’s the fact that this seems to be an obvious and overt change in direction. I only watch NuWho, so I can’t speak for Tom Baker, but Capaldi’s exposition has a narrative meaning that isn’t strictly a fourth wall break. “The Bootstrap Paradox” is a monologue

I’m not trying to talk anyone into liking a show that they don’t like, but I’ve observed people are often disappointed when they set expectations that are then flouted. Personally, I was against a LotR show to begin with for several reasons, and only watched it out of curiosity. I thought it was good, not great, and

Is this a major problem? Was the Second Age an inhabited wasteland? The Third Age is demonstrably worse off, and I don’t recall a lot of compliments about how much trash was laying around The Shire in the movies.

Oh, I thought I mentioned that I did think it might have a larger reason for existing, but I guess I only did that in my other post. But yeah, I agree with you on all points here, though I didn’t notice the actress recurring in the episodes. All of these things taken together seem to point inescapably to some sort of

It was just a fucking Ewok...

As a being outside the normal bounds of Space and Time, I didn’t find the Maestro using metatextual elements of the show offputting. Playing the theme, and referencing Simm’s Master seems perfectly in tune with their abilities. Besides, plenty of other shows have fiddled with metahumor without going full Rick and Morty

I agree it wasn’t a musical episode, but it did have a whole musical number in it. As someone only recently coming around on musicals, it did come across to me as a tacked on waste of an ending.

Not that I don’t also have sympathy for Gen Z, but as an older Millenial, I’ve never made as much as $45,000 a year at any age. “Median wage” gives a more accurate impression than average wage, but it still means that half of the set makes less than that.

Everyone I associate with always treats everyone around them with utter contempt, so I have reasonably concluded that this is normal human behavior.

Thank god. When I heard the news, I was so scared, it was like that time I was stuck in a marsh with Henry Longfellow and he showed me his back tattoo.

Your brain —not just yours— is an incredibly confused, tangled mess of electrical cords. It’s pretty neat, for instance, that if you wear goggles designed to flip your vision upside down, after a few days it goes “Wait, I thought I already flipped a while ago” and flips back again to make it ‘right side up’ again.

I assume she’ll call it Unrelatable.

I don’t want to be dismissive of his feelings, but a distinct quirk in his discourse give a disconcerting impression that his disposition might be disturbingly distressed

Yeah, I got a lot of that feeling of “last season on...”. It felt like RTD is really trying to make this a Season 1, not just in name. I suppose it’s possible that being on Disney+ might bring in a significant amount of new viewers, and he’s playing to them. Nothing wrong with that, but I’m not sure it’s going to take

I’m not sure that RTD could even say. It definitely started out as a pro-life commentary then went sort of scattershot at general conservative dipshittery