
There’s too much confusion with the varying size of both kitchen implements. We really need to standardize this with something that everyone knows automatically and that doesn’t have much deviation: The cubesat was the size of three adult guinea pigs fucking.

I mean, yeah, go for it, we’re all on board over here. But —and this is just a thought— why not combine the wildly different genres he’s worked on? Imagine:

This is a man who has stated unironically that if men weren’t forced to marry women, they’d all be having much more pleasurable sex with other men obviously which is why it’s bad to encourage gay people because the human race will die out.”

Just got back from this and I really enjoyed it. Any use of the word Beast always conjures up memories of reading the James’ story for the first time, but I don’t think I actually knew this was meant to be a retelling, so I was surprised to find them practically enacting the whole thing at the beginning. Some of the

I like The Wire Season 2 a lot, and I feel it’s come up a lot more in most people’s estimation, but it was often considered the worst of the first four. As much as I like it, it’s probably about as easy to watch Ziggy as it would be to know him.

Every Simpsons’ season is better than than the preceding one up until season 9. Season 3 is practically still proto-Simpsons. It’s got enough classic episodes to be included in the golden period, but it’s still not quite fully baked.

Newly discovered Russian heritage at that. Guy got a Twenty-three and Me and then started dialing down his list.

Man, I was really hoping that Sam Alt-man had disappeared.

It is interesting that a common secular refrain is that religious people need the threat of damnation and the promise of eternal deserts to act good. But it’s also a common complaint that we’d all be better off without this safety guard, which is apparently the only thing keeping billions of people holding to even the

It’s probably Woke and DEI here too.

Better to set a volume limit than a unit limit, lest he starts dragging one of those five gallon water dispenser jugs around with him

In the first Avengers movie stinger, I would wager most viewers didn’t know who Thanos was. I thought he was a weird looking Hellboy. You don’t have to know the characters who are appearing, to get the gist of what’s being hinted at, and in The Marvels’ case, it’s just X-Men.

Leave Jimmy Fallon alone!

Looks like they changed it to “porn film”, but I’m curious why they mentioned Rule 34. It’s pretty much exclusively used for media characters being repurposed for porn. The only thing it could refer to here is angels, which doesn’t really strain the imagination for porn subjects. It’s certainly considerably more

“I’ve got four kids, so I can identify Gen Z’s habits pretty accurately. They don’t have the same emotional connection to watching things in a theater,”

It feels like almost a million years ago, watching Jon Stewart make one last desperate plea on the eve of the 2004 election for voters to please make his job harder. Comedy was great under Bush, but imagine how boring it could have been under Kerry.

I’m not sure what the deal was, but Unsung Heroes had four or five 100+ seat rooms sold out at one of my local theaters on its opening night. I thought it might have been an Angel Studios tactic, but it was completely empty at the place I usually go to, so it might just be local megachurches buying tickets for its

Read that as “Die/Become decapitated” and thought the Sunday comics must be a more cutthroat business than I imagined.

The disconnect in how the movie approaches Hawkeye and Thor’s respective post-Snap breakdowns?”