
I don’t want to tell you that you’re definitively wrong about this, but 14-year-old me could not disagree with you more about the value Heather Graham brings to the film.

Chaturbate actually has already written a check, they just need an ID to verify that the State of Texas is who they say they are.

I wonder if this would have shifted the timeline enough to get Drew cast in Austin Powers 2

Generations are a meaningless social construct. There’s nothing special about what year you were born in. Rowling is a Boomer.

I think it was pretty well covered a few years back during the initial repeal process. The basic argument is the same as every other conservative argument, that regulations stifle competition, and competition is always good for the consumer. Like Chaos noted, they’re wrong on both counts, and never even bothered to

I can empathize, because my plans to dig a tunnel to China are similarly way over budget and have passed almost every deadline I’ve set.

I think Eleven did cross instead of rage, but I think it fits correctly with his personality. Nine always seemed to be simmering with rage underneath, and Ten basically went mad, so it makes sense that Smith’s incarnation would wind that bit of himself way back. The two moments that jump out in my memory are “The

Oh, hey, fuck off troll.

Did you somehow read a post that I didn’t write and accidentally reply to mine?

Honestly, gym was rarely sweat inducing, and I went to school in Florida. We still changed in to and out of gym clothes, but in my high school, you only needed two semesters of a gym class, and I think in both of them, I had to do like ten minutes of activity before I sat down in the bleachers and either read or

It’s great, because it’s typical Boomer nonsense to describe anything that they didn’t learn when they were in school as a lie, but also the nature of “History wasn’t erased, if it was, we would have a record of it” is inherently hilarious.

Yeah, I’m quite anti-spoiler, and have adapted to the modern era. Even so, I’ve seen quite a lot of spoilers for things, and my general reaction is “dangit”. I can only really recall a single time I escalated from annoyed to vexed.

I hate single day releases. Release each for the full week. They tried this with Spider-Man and had to change to Monday thru Thursday because of demand. But demand is often pretty high, and it’s not like you’re going to burn your bottom line by shifting one screen per day for a week.

Most viewers do have some level of prior knowledge. The whole homework argument is about needing to know everything beforehand. Personally, I think it’s a dumb argument to begin with, and is wrong besides. MCU properties are not complex, despite their storied interconnectedness. Some viewers are going to have trouble

Thus definitively proving that Depp is, in fact, a wife beater.

Lots of planets have a north.

My “I am not a nazi” shirt is raising a ton of comments just proving my point.

Star Trek was busy normalizing humans having sex with hot aliens decades ago, so I don’t know why there would necessarily be a problem with The Doctor having a human compatibility issue. Humans basically want to fuck anything with holes, and it’s got to be a real self confidence boost being around that for hundreds of

These are exactly my sentimonies

My school didn’t even have an AV Club twenty years ago. I assumed they went the way of showering after gym and sitting on a corner stool with a dunce cap.