
Yeah, maybe the guy who made Goodfellas, The Age of Innocence, Silence, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Last Temptation of Christ, After Hours, Raging Bull, and Hugo needs work on his range.

I’m glad you said it because I didn’t want to be the only curmudgeon but, holy shit, if someone put their hands up in the air in front of me and started clapping and yelling while I was trying to watch a film...

Many recent cosplayers are in it to sell their porn shoots rather than to be cosplay.

I actually don’t think an unfinished film by Zach Snyder would be better than a finished one by Joss Whedon. Hell, I don’t think a finished film by Snyder would be better than one by Whedon.

Aren’t the podcasts you mentioned more skewed to libertarians? Some of them playing, rather heavily handedly the naive“just asking questions” trope? The opposite of that isn’t specifically neo-liberal. 

I knew that the 10 PM Leno talk show was a dumb idea, but somehow I never connected that NBC cancelled ER, Law & Order, and all those other shows just to prop up Leno. Holy shit, what a ridiculous idea.

Dispel Dice aren’t scientifically balanced. They are the result of a process that creates a completely unique set of dice every time, which means there might be balance issues.

Wearing a helmet while cycling makes cycling safer: fact.

Y’know, less people are riding equals less traffic-making sbdude’s job easier...or maybe he just doesn’t fully grasp the the whole argument.

I didn’t mention this in the article (probably should have) but, yes, racers/folks riding for exercise should absolutely wear a helmet. I don’t think it should be a *legal* question, though. And, to be honest, every road biker I know wears a helmet. Riding for transportation around cities, to me, is a separate

If someone dies in an accident where a helmet could have saved them, they DO share some of the fault.

These anecdotes don’t help anything. If they did, everyone has a story about how they almost died in car, and if we all wrote them out here we’d be reading for hours and cars for personal transport would be banned tomorrow.

In the end, seatbelt laws don’t dissuade anyone from driving. Helmet laws appear to heavily dissuade people from riding bicycles.

Motorcycle helmets are totally different from bike helmets, so you can’t make this substitution. Motorcycles are also very different from bikes because they travel at higher speed, so crashes are less likely the result of an impatient driver trying to overtake; you would expect that to result in very different

I have people jay walk and dart out in front of my car crossing the street but we are not mandating helmets for walking. Cycling is not an inherently dangerous activity, ask the Netherlands about that. Its that our infrastructure is not geared toward it and its generally too easy to get a license in the US and we

There is no statistical reason to have mandatory helmet laws. They don’t reduce the percentage of head injuries. They do reduce ridership by a lot. It is much better for people to be riding bikes instead of using cars, for their health and for traffic and pollution. Mandatory bicycle helmet laws are for this reason

Having worked for some sports teams over the years, I’d take the position that hockey players are ill-educated but baseball players are incapable of education. There’s just nothing there to work with. Cognitively, I mean. As the point of the article attests, there’s a lot to work with otherwise. 

Weddings have always been big affairs in lots of different cultures. We didn’t arrive at the big wedding by accident; it’s way more common than elopement throughout history. Weddings used to be an excuse for an entire town to get together and party back when only the brave few ever even left the town they were born

No booze is fine if the entire time commitment for guests (ceremony and the meal part of the reception) is no greater than 90 minutes. I once sat though a five hour dry wedding (the whole family is extremely twee, it was handcrafted and so goddamn special CAN’T YOU SEE HOW PERFECT WE ARE) where the ceremony itself was

Something something, all chaps are assless, else they’d be pants, something something.