
Literally bulletproof? That seems like a waste of weight for 99.99% of applications.

I’ve been drunkenly pushing a version of this starring Liam Neeson. Called Schindler’s List 2

Your being ethnocentric by referring to ear wax as ‘goo’

Why can’t people get it through their dumb heads?

Wear a backpack? lol no.

because you have to carry the helmet around. That’s not always convenient.

For an individual person, none.

That’s actually pretty insightful.

TFA was nothing but a shallow facsimile of the thrills of the original trilogy, but the prequels couldn’t even manage that much.

But Martin doesn’t have a vision of how the plot-lines wrap up.

To be fair, George RR Martin was also incapable of crafting a sensible and compelling storyline after about three and an half books.

Two things:

Why do those tai chi masters accept those fights? If they were being honest, they’d say something like, ‘I’m a 70 year old man who teaches other 70 year-olds to keep movingand stay flexible, and some spiritual stuff. No way am I going to actually win in a fight.”

That makes you 6'4" in dating site height

My understanding was the the points system penalized unintended harm, but didn’t credit unintended good.

Beyond was by far the best of the nuTrek movies.

more money for HBCU’s for crew or squash scholarships wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.

What if you get the dad wrong?

It’s extremely telling that when Belichick seemed to profess being oblivious to Andrew Luck’s retirement last month (turns out he was not unaware),Pats Twitter not only bought it but instantly cried out NO DAYS OFF and jerked it to this hobgoblin’s supposed tunnel vision.