But what faction did he play—these are the real issues! Lol.
But what faction did he play—these are the real issues! Lol.
Nioh is so loooong. I got it when it was free on PS plus a few months ago, and I don’t think I’m even 1/4 of the way through. Too many games to play!
Riding that line of scared and excited while trying to stay calm and remember all my hard-earned lessons not mess up the last engagement was the most fun I’ve had in a game in a long time.
Hmm... I do need more purple shards, and I haven’t played in awhile (not since I maxed my season pass). Gah.
As a solo player, BRs are pretty intense across the board. I just won my first ever PUBG game last month! So intense, especially the last two circles. I was literally shaking with adrenaline. Can’t really get that type of reaction with most any other game type. (Maybe Dark Souls?)
I’m actually pretty excited to see what they come up with. I’ll definitely push to get my freelancer group back together to at least see what’s changed.
Interesting theory.
I’ve already told my wife we’re getting a wagon instead of an SUV if we have kids. No vans.
True. There’s a quote that applies:
I think the main issue for me is that you need to be able to hit a ranking to earn the weapon. If you can’t do it then you shouldn’t have it. But that’s just my gaming morality lol.
LOL someone earlier replied to me trying to defend the “carry services/account-boosting form of pay-to-win ecosystem.”
Not boosted accounts (at least I don’t think this is the case). These people will either log in as you and complete weapon quests, or otherwise lead you through content till you get a certain gun (not sure how it works, but I’ve seen people talk of it). It’s...kinda sad?
They did well.
It’s like watching someone roll / break their ankle.
Your comment reminded me of why I stopped... I started the DLC in NG+ and that was a mistake (enemies were scaled waaay too high, info online said DLC was supposed to be accessed on a first playthrough).
My wife got me this for Christmas! It works well enough (I have old man bones at 34.) I think I should still schedule an appointment with a chiropractor, though.
My wife got me this for Christmas! It works well enough (I have old man bones at 34.) I think I should still…
And yet my teammates won’t even rez me in-game!!!
It’s so fun though. Beats dealing with campers and cheesy loadout users.
I got super into Bloodborne when it first released, was even getting to the point of running all the chalice dungeons for better mods before I stopped. I think I might get back into it.
Oh wow I totally forgot about that, thanks. I guess I didn’t really consider it “mass” suicide as it only looked to be a few noble families and the queen offing themselves. I guess my requirements for saying“mass” are much higher, like an entire legion falling on their swords.