
While we’re re-introducing the Supremacy Clause to Texas for the umpteenth time, maybe we should take a minute and remind them about the Establishment Clause, too?

Considering who’s holding the sign, I strongly suspect this is really about ethics in gaming journalism.

I thought the Evil Dead musical might cure me of my hatred of musicals and it made it worse. Clueless is one of my favorite movies. Pass.

I would imagine that after licking Kris Jenner’s neck your tongue would taste of fake tanner and regret.

You’re giving him some serious “up-eye”. I don’t actually think that’s a thing but I’m dumbstruck with envy. Also, I love your bangs.

Because I don’t know where else to put this and felt like I would have betrayed you all for not sharing. Ladies, went Hamm. (that’s me on the far right).

To answer your question Bobby in regards to the Ryan Reynolds tweet;

Sometimes when I get depressed I think about how one day Justice Scalia will be dead and I feel better.

This whole thing just makes me think that Affleck never watched the show even once before he agreed to go on.... Many of the black guests guests also turn out to have at least 1 white slave-owning relative way back in the woodpile (slavery dynamics being what they were, after all). It’s just not a weird thing to have

Yes, what is Anna doing here? She knows that young women read Jezebel. Protect the minds of your impressionable young women readers, Anna! Stop corrupting them with emasculating jokes about respectable old men and opinions cleverly disguised as news!!

Given Hasbro’s track-record, however....

Other big exciting news coming down from the Supreme Court today! Under the Fair Housing Act it’s enough to prove that a policy or practice has a disparate impact (ie the policy doesn’t have to be discriminatory on its face; if the policy has a disproportionately adverse impact on minorities it violates the FHA).

Writing for the majority, Justice Roberts said, “Holy shit, this whole lawsuit was so fucking stupid.”

This is solid logic. Janet it is. Miss Jackson if the currency is nasty.

I love Samuel L., but I think he’s committed to being on a Capitol One card. We’ll have to stick with Janet. Action is pretend, so we can stick him on the bitcoins.

Would hang out with Regis for chance to eat cheese fries in a yurt, tbqh.

Here’s Chrissy Teigen eating spaghetti in her bed on a yacht.

Harriet Tubman on the ten.

Cash has been “on the way out” for decades.
