I despised The Littles as a kid.
I despised The Littles as a kid.
The voting base may not be a monolith, but their support for Trump is a very handy commonality I can use to categorize them together as a someone not worth listening to.
“When asked, Courtney will vocally enthuse about her support for Geraldine Ferraro, though the $20 accessory pack will include her 1984 ballot with a straight Republican ticket clearly marked.”
Oh for sure, but if you read all his other books, youd get the impression (rightly) that he despises everyone. But in his books at least, his misanthropy is wrapped in padded layers of shenanigans.
The only people who knew Ronald Dahl was an asshole were the people who personally interacted with him or had correspondence with him.
The show is surprisingly skint on actual superhero duke outs. You mostly have supers appearing, using their powers on civilians in dramatic/gory fashion, then taking off. For all the shocks, it’s a surprisingly blandly staged show. You rarely get an actual hero to hero slugfest.
Yeah, I think the sculptor overemphasized the human features, like when they give Snake Eyes an outline of a mouth.
This is assblow speculation on my part, but I also wonder if producers skittish about a moody, slow-burn sci-fi production want to ensure it has the broadest visual appeal possible to compensate for the Byzantine political and cultural machinations.
I’m glad you’re excited for it. There’s certainly few enough things in the world to be happy about right now that I’m not going to try and convince someone out of one of them. Like I say, I’m sure the movie will be rad. I just find the art direction to be a drag.
He made Blade Runner 2049 an incredibly worthwhile experience for a story that absolutely didn’t need to be told, and I enjoyed Arrival as well. I think he does great stuff and I’m very much excited for this. But you can only see Moebius’ illustration of a glam/femme Feyd Rautha so many times before you just assume…
The art direction is the one aspect of this that bums me out so far. The cast, director, and all that are impeccable, but visually it looks like Lynch’s with all the fun leeched out. Same high-collared military uniforms, minus the giant Czar Nicholas fur-lined robes.
Even when Episode 7 was first announced, I had some trepidation about a sequel trilogy. Ep. 1-6 told a real clean, succinct fairy tale and I had hard time envisioning what story they could introduce and resolve in three movies that would act as a worthwhile coda to the first six.
I oscillate between taking great pleasure in everything Cruz claims to love despising him and being repulsed at the realization that being the filthy little Wormtongue he is, he probably gets off on it.
If there’s any director I know who would be able to capture the tone, it be him. Sadly, I don’t think there’s a whole lot of enthusiasm, well enthusiasm from people with money, for such a project.
I really enjoyed 2012 Dredd, but neither movie project really even tried to capture the black comedy derived from the comic’s utter British bemusement at the American hard-on for authoritarianism. And given that’s an even less marketable angle to pitch than straight action... or whatever Stalone’s version was, it…
That’s cool. Like I say, not having read any of his stuff, I have zero authority to say if his themes work or not.
Forgive me if I’m misinterpreting the thrust of the book, but I don’t think I can handle another indulgent, leftist self-critique right now. While it’s necessary for us to remain conscious of what we believe and how we choose to act on it, leftist propensity for critical evaluation and reflection leads to a spiral of…
This is so, so awful. He was more than a celebrity. He brought something too long missing to our shared culture, and he brought it with force and confidence.
I have to accept the very belated realization that while I respect the Dragon Age series, I’ve never actually enjoyed playing it.
My problem with The Orville wasn’t the humor, it’s that the humor was so low-hanging. Here’s a weird alien, but get this, he talks like a stoner frat bro! As a matter of fact, they all do!