
LOL! Women are SO silly! They’re so cute when they try to do human things. But they do make great arm candy.

The fj option is nice, but I’d consider just pulling the rear seats out of your mini and building a padded platform back there for your companion. You already own it and love it, you know it’s quirks, and a purpose-built solution will almost always be better. Spend all that extra money on national parks admittance

The A7 looks like a roach.

There is something unresolved about the rear end of 5-door sedans that just makes me shiver with disgust, and the previously mentioned Audi A7 is no exception. Think of the rear end of a cockroach, or a turd that you pinch off mid-poo. Something about the proportions simply don’t work well. It’s why the Panamera

YES!! The GT will baby!!

...and are too wide to fit any sports car I know of.

Early Acura Integra seats are understated and inexpensive, if you can find d a set in good shape. Better are sport seats from an 80s BMW 325is or 535is. (320i sport seats are even better, but cost 2x as much.)

Go, Stampy, go!!!! All my FUs go out to big game hunters.

If your drone works you don’t need to update, and if you don’t update they will never know. Or am I missing something?

The Toyota is better? In every tangible way, maybe, but in the realm of the feels? No way. Your car rocks, dude.

Nice, but the artist forgot to include the rust.


It’s about time. I don’t care how wonderful their cars might be, I would never own one because of that beak. It was just SO ugly...

“Blah blah, blabbity blah blah.” (<— That’s my imitation of a bloviating British colonel who has been everywhere and knows everything.) If I can’t see the sides of my car, I have no idea how to spatially orient the world around me. Sorry, it’s just that way. I’ve tried, but if I can’t see the corner of my car, I

Aaw, come on. Be fair. You’re comparing a god to the statue of a god.

Jeeps are the horseshoe crabs of the automotive world. Heck, from certain angles there’s even a certain family resemblance...

And this is why we will not have autonomous cars in our lifetimes. People can’t resist the urge to blame others for what should be their responsibility, and manufacturers will never release technology which will certainly get them sued for billions of dollars. Stalemate. Ten years from now we will still not have

Okay - that is NOT what the white frosting is supposed to look like. Do you have a stand mixer, or did you try to make this by hand? With the use of a KitchenAid and the whisk attachment, mine came out virtually indistinguishable from Italian merengue but in 1/10 the time.

Mind not blown. I’ve been to a museum before. Sad.

Daily driving your project has big benefits. “That weird vibration I can’t pin down” turns into an obviously broken halfshaft. “Random overheating” turns into an easily identified exploded coolant reservoir. In short, drive it until something breaks!