
Yup. You’re an asshole. Next time, try letting off the gas for a few seconds and slowing to ten under the limit. Watching them fume as they try to get around you is just as satisfying and doesn’t paint you as an irresponsible prick.

Wasn’t excessive military consumption the downfall of the Soviet Union?

Nobody has ever changed their mind because their opponent threw an egg at them. That was a dick move, full stop. You’ll get farther if you engage with those you disagree with, and treat them with the same respect you want to get back.

“needs fixed” is a regional affectation, but I’m not quite certain where it’s rooted. I’ve known a few people from Ohio that say it that way, and a few people from South Carolina. And no, it’s not “right”.

Much as I hate to say it, being a flaming liberal, what he’s saying doesn’t sound all that odd.

Wow! The comments section has really fallen to crap, hasn’t it?

Sorry. I responded before I thought about it. Damn it.

You know who pisses me off? Flaming heteros, who feel obligated to wave their heterosexuality in front of everyone. They keep photos of their opposite sex partners on their desks, they talk about them, they even keep pictures of them on their phones and talk to them in the middle of the work day. Sometimes they

The video said that they weighed all four corners before the car went to track. They COULD be lying about that, but why would they?

There’s a lot more than just the engine involved in this swap. The transmission probably weighs considerably more than the stock unit, but since it’s near the center of the car it doesn’t change the weight balance very much. It DOES affect the polar moment of inertia, although I can’t say how much. The battery was


Compact dimensions mean that it will fit in almost any engine bay, and its light weight won’t overwhelm most front suspensions. They’re as reliable as hammers, but when something does break, spare parts are available at any auto parts store (or junkyard). Best of all, they’re dirt cheap. You can install a junkyard 5.3

Curse me for a fool, you’ve done it to me again. Nowhere in this video do they do what the subject line says. This video show THAT they didn’t shoot off their propellers, not HOW they didn’t shoot them off. Sooner or later I’ll realize when you’re click-baiting and ignore my impulse to click through, but sadly, that

No, no, no. Touch screens have little place in a moving car.  Your fingertip isn’t as stable as you think it is, and determining where to poke your capacitance-loving meat stick requires far more concentration than does rotating a clicky knob and using voice controls. Touch screens when you’re sitting still are great.

I have always admired the looks of these cars. I wonder if you could shoehorn a big American V8 into one?

Monetary worth be damned, you still own one of the most technically advanced supercars of the their day. Hold your head high, my friend.

When I was 24, I bought a euro-spec BMW 635i for a measly $1000. After discovering that the car’s rear end had broken its spot welds and come loose from the body I immediately parked it and parted it out instead of learning how to weld and fix it myself. I kick myself on a monthly basis for prematurely trashing such

Your hatred of OK Go’s creativity makes me imagine that you’re sort of a jealous jerk. Go make your own video, realize how difficult it is, and maybe gain some perspective.

Listening to an audio book is a far cry from watching a movie while driving. Jalopnik, click-bait like this is ruining your reputation.

“WE” weren’t all taught wrong. YOU were taught DIFFERENTLY. Open your mind, friend.