
Crap like this still exists in the world? *sigh*

Okay, now let’s do some reporting. Was the ship under watch of a pilot vessel? What were the weather conditions which might have contributed to the collision? I see other large boats very close to this one - are there other extenuating circumstances which make this a difficult approach? Was the captain experienced?

They bitch because they’re the same over-excited and under-trained people who confuse first gear for third when they downshift and over-rev their engines. There are two gears into which you will logically go from first: Second, or reverse. I learned to drive stick in a dogleg Porsche. It made a hell of a lot of sense

MK3 Supra. Reliability? No check-mark on that one, I’m afraid. I’ve talked to WAY too many people who have spent WAY too much time chasing electrical gremlins.

Tell me again how this “destroys” the car?

GOOD GOD! What is that THING?

After many years of working on rusty old Japanese cars, my best trick is to heat frozen bolts with a propane torch for a few seconds to free them. If the bolt is still stuck, sometimes tightening it slightly will break it loose.

Most entertaining thing I’ve seen all day. Kudos, Matt!

This is going to give me nightmares.

So what’s the startling fix?

Lots of women were turned on when the watched Thor. Lots of men get turned on by Angelina Jolie. Are those people somehow better than furries? Or perhaps, in a return to puritanism, we should all start turning our noses up whenever someone around us starts to feel their naughty bits tingle.

Would you have the same feeling if it were full of non-furry sexual references?

“Overwhelming hotels and companies with orgies and porn.”

NO! We need to be aware just how many of these assholes with guns are terrorizing our fellow citizens. Maybe leave the names of the perps out of it, but keep the incidents rolling in. We can only ignore the obvious for so long before we act on it.

So your enjoyment of something hinges exclusively on whether or not you can possess it?

You’ll have to show me the frame rails before I’ll believe it’s “rust free.” I’ve owned five of them, and every one of them has had rust issues. In fact, the one I own right now is, at this moment, sitting on jack stands in my driveway getting the frame rails replaced.

I think you have a major typo in the second paragraph. You say, “Old school in terms of financial mischief”, when I believe you meant to write, “Old school, so I could write a clickbait headline”. Making the first few sentences salaciously juicy then giving us a dry, boring article does nothing to increase my

I am utterly agog at this. It may have hurt you to receive something like this, but at least now you know who your friends are. Or aren’t.

Sorry, K5ing, but you’re dead wrong. Headlight modulators ARE annoying to at least a portion of other drivers. I’m prone to migraines and I’ve got ADD. Looking at blinking lights for any length of time can trigger a migraine for me, and my ADD makes it almost impossible for me to keep from looking at them. As much as

#1 misconception: That, at any point in time or any place on the globe, I am eager to stop what I’m doing and talk to them for an hour about the problem they’re having with their daily driver.