
You don’t just kill off Blair Underwood.

yup. there is no goodwill left - they are going to have to earn my respect back.

Nah, after enough starfighter battles you learn to fly with your wingmates in a formation that keeps everyone’s firing lines clear. Source : I’m an Imperial Space Lord.

I could totally see it, because it wasn’t literally the plot for the last Averngers movie.

And maybe this time they will actually deliver a playable game, instead of just taking everyone’s money and running.

The dead do not do well against the elements, they are dead after all. Doesn’t take a genius to survive in the north.

A game that is just like Blacklight:retribution, except instead of generic mechs that look like tachikomas and hardsuits, it actually has tachikomas and hardsuits.

And this is a bad thing? I just signed up for the beta.

Jedi thought bomb?

I am pretty sure that is what they mean. In Elite:Dangerous, a video game witch features a fullscale 1:1 galaxy, it is pretty easy to blockade an entire star system with a few dozen ships. You just hang around in system, and interdict anything that shifts in.

If I can breathe with my beathing organs covered (for example, wearing a Surgical Face Mask, or balaclava ), she can breathe with a t-shirt and pants on.

Junk science is junk.

secretly plans ways to defeat even his pro-registration superhero allies, in the off-chance they change their mind and start disagreeing with his point of view.

Hell, midi-chlorians are from a movie ... and while still in ...

Pretty sure the CW already proved you dont need batman or supes to tell a compelling story set in the DC universe.

Did you not see the ship it is based on? If it looks like a “budget X-Wing” it is accurate to the source material.

If something like “Skyrim in space” sounds like it would interest you, you should check out Elite:Dangerous...

Now playing

Clearly you have never seen Star Citizen being played, because Star Citizen is an arcade shooter too.

One of my favorite bands describes themselves as “psychedelic”. That band is Skinny Puppy. Ask anyone who’s taken bad acid - psychedelic is dark as fuck. As a matter of fact, modern “gothic” music evolved out of psychedelic rock bands like The Beatles, The Doors, and The Velvet Underground.

I bet they eill be added in post.

That was the Death Star II.