xeleion is No Zaku, Boy!

Because you needed to know that you could be replaced by a small machine anytime, and thus have to be nice to woman.

Idiot? Wha.......

I guess it backfired.

Hell no let's make all the Zelda games look like Wind Waker!

YES. The clip we saw at Comic-Con showed Godzilla basically smashing his foot down on top of a Cloverfield-sized monster. This is a REALLY giant Godzilla.

Actually, it would be "You've beaten the game, saved the universe..."

People from New York but not from New York City say "I'm from New York State." If you say "I'm from New York" then people across the world automatically assume "New York City."

If the logo's the only difference between Wayfarers and generics, why would anyone pay $200 for them in the first place?

This is why I moved out of DC. The water's fine over here in the "The Other" Washington...

You'd be totally incorrect. I've had excellent relationships.. and I'm still friends with all of my ex-girlfriends, and even with my ex-wife. Why? Because we moved on. We accepted that the relationship didn't work, for whatever reason, had a bit of time apart (perhaps with a little bit of resentment or even



Does it matter? They are still going to call it a "Nintendo".

PS4 and Xbox One are both 2 tone black? How will grandparents differentiate the 2 for Christmas??

I've been trying to reach out to them since I took over ownership of YourGamerCards. I currently have a team of top trophy hunters reviewing hundreds of accounts trying to weed out the cheaters. It's very tedious and thankless work but we try to do our best. If Kotaku or Sony or anyone else wants to discuss this

That's not DLC. That's DRM.

Strange, I've refreshed 5 times and that image still isn't loading properly.

Not gonna say "but that's just DLC." But I WILL say "I told ya so" when it comes to Microsoft still slipping in online requirements after they claimed to have removed them.

I'm no Zaku, boy, NO ZAKU!

I've come across many many profiles that are basically the flip-side of the stuff in this tumblr. A bunch of girls who have quite obviously recently been spurned asking for guys who "aren't like the rest" or guys who won't cheat on them or saying "Don't message me if all you want is to hook up" and other implications