
I guess Diamond thinks it’s “he said she said” in that the intimacy coordinator said “don’t do this” and he said “that’s absurd!”  So ... yeah ... I guess that’s one way to look at it?


Spot on.  His response is effectively, “I can confirm I did everything they said I did.”

100% right.  These were the days (and there were many more to follow) that the Academy refused to honor anything other than (perceived) prestige pics.

It’s certainly depressing in that respect. We have to endure all of his bullshit first and the well is poisoned from the public’s perception.

I think this isn’t quite right. I believe that the padlocked door was to Laurie’s drug room. Rue was so desperate for a fix that she wanted to get in there despite the danger. And I think she was going into Laurie’s bathroom to find drugs, until she saw Laurie’s husband wake up and she realized she better get out.

It’s HIS case, though. You started this thread by saying “it feels like a weird structure for a trial like this.” Why? Depp is suing Heard. He puts his case on first, in all of its ugliness. He is not “rebutting” anything. He’s presenting his case. He isn’t required to do so linearly. The fact that it’s hard for you

I like your view of Kubrick’s themes in The Shining, and I would like to offer my own.

Well said

This is where I land every freaking time. It’s a near-perfect movie. An absolute stunner. With a perfect ending. And then ... there’s the add on bullshit. You’re right - I don’t give a shit what the point was or who was responsible (Spielberg or Kubrick). It was just a bad decision! The movie feels right ... perfectly

I powered through it but, hoo boy, this guy’s prose defines the word “pretentious.”  Woof

44% of BMW 7 series sales are in China.

My Rush Nerd POV: if you’re truly a Rush Nerd, your favorites are going to be dictated by the generation in which you became a fan.  To that end, the Signals/Grace/Power Windows triumvirate are my top 3.

While I would generally agree with the sentiment you’re going for here ... I mean, for crying out loud if someone is truly contrite I’m all for second chances ... my problem with CK in particular is that he’s joking about the very thing he ostensibly apologized for, ya know?  How can we believe he’s truly sorry if he

If you’re a weightlifter ... If you’re a powerlifter .... If you’re a strongman or a bodybuilder ...

ALSO - HOW DO I GET OUT OF THE FUCKING GRAYS?! I’ve been posting on AV Club for probably 15 years.  What in the ever-loving fuck do I have to do to get out of the grays on this fucking website?!

Good stuff, Germain. Two points:

these are strange times

this guy gets it!

It feels really on brand to me that the dudes in the video are in Florida (just outside of Jacksonville)