
@mr_mr: The point is that people forget to turn things off that have to work a while, so they obviously can't unplug it since the whole problem is the forgetting to turn it off.

@MazdaMania: It's funny since it seems you forgot what line you were writing mid sentence, seem concentration is an issue for you too.

@Red_Steel: Well for people of a certain age and certain issues that might save the life of everybody in the entire retirement home :)

Why only 3 options on that thing?

@jamjen: You think an open chain is more aerodynamic than a smooth guard?

@jamjen: Chains are better off being clean, and a guard also helps with that.

@RawheaD: Isn't it more a weak dollar than a strong yen? From what I hear they have their own economic issues.

@Zaixionito: Yes it's obviously been proven every damn day that people follow stuff they know is BS, they even once asked an archbishop if he believed in god and he said 'not really' .. I think an awful lot of the religious scene is people who know it's BS, and a great many who expect it's BS.

@Spaceknight: Hmm, does that mean that if we go faster than light aliens will give us a ticket?

@brijazz: Hehe, yeah it's a venerable miracle product.

@junyo: "The lack of interchangeable lenses is disappointing,"

@Dukie: So they left and didn't keep an eye on it? I hope they got insurance.

@ExtraDas: I can see better in the dark than any camera I ever owned.

@Rabid Penguin: Erm, not all over the world since it's the interaction with the magnetic poles, which are currently located at the top and bottom and who's number is limited to 2 at this time on this planet.

@Ryan: Full of stars eh, I don't think many will still get that one actually.

@Pandaschreck: Those 2 guys that destruct things in another discovery show failed to ignite a fuel drum, until they emptied it out just right to have a bit of fuel and lots of air, then there was no issue making it go boom when shot.

@retrac: If someone actually saw it closely enough to see a bullet ricochet and create fire then why didn't they simply quickly put it out? And it's not like the army reserves lacks manpower to help out either.

@junyo: It is a very compact lens with little room, and it's interchangeable right? So maybe they will sell ones that have it?