
It's a bit odd actually since casio and TI have had reflective LCD on watches and calculators since what? the 70's?

@BlueGeek: your eyes are way better than most digital cameras though.

@freakboy9: Piezo actuators and soothing music

Don't know about the rotation in the morning aspect, not too ideal maybe

@Maave: The problem there is interfacing it to the brain, obviously we can already do higher res and make damn small contacts, but the eye is complex and the brain and nervecontacts are too, and the eye has a lot of pre-processing to boot, so it's not like putting a sensor in a camera.

Somebody should tell the author of that drawing that the paint from W7 is more capable than the one from XP.

@jamjen: Really is it that hard to put a guard over it? It's standard in most normal bikes for a century now.

@Abner Santos: Simple plastic guard should protect even if it was possible that happened.

@bslayerw: You'd be surprised how much functionality is in each device that's not used, and both MS and apple and various other companies supply 'updates' to enable stuff, but lots of hardware never gets any update and it's just there dormant forever.

@LightMage210: If it gets cracked it was a good idea, right now it's a bad idea.

@Rabbits: Or rather we can claim we know the universe and it's harder to be shown we are full of it and do not really.

@Glaiel-Gamer: Said it before but I'll repeat: dumb people also have a greatly increased chance of dying early, and have their kids dying

@AreWeThereYeti: Not quite true, there are symetric particles who's state changes when their counterpart change, no matter where it is.

@AcidSpoon: I can see how you might see the mechanical part as not fitting after all the natural and rocky and dusty stuff , but to me it marred less than the religion thing, at least at the time of watching.

@musiqrulez: You can prevent the grass growing by putting it in the shadow of an old chevy on blocks.

@colorebel: Sudan can better plan bloodsplatters in nice shapes, more likely to come true.

@AcidSpoon: I think the church ruined it, nothing ruins a portrayal of epic and the immense universe than seeing the pitiful smallminded dumbness of religion.