
@Yarrr: I would not classify as having some issues with your knees on long hikes only as "I blew out my knees", trying to get the pity vote are we? Come on now.

@Zaixionito: The place was the poles, not gizmodo.

@leaverus: This guy was actually once about to be taken out by the US but the dutch intervened and convinced the US to not proceed.

@Garion: Yeah OK, I'm dealing with a zealot, I get it, go collect wikipedia links without ever reading any article and leave me alone.

@Yarrr: If you need it then you can't use it when there's a screw in the top though as displayed, and even if you could then how are you going to support yourself while taking that picture?

@HideyoshiJP: Hah, well you succeeded in your ploy :)

@Zaixionito: Oh shut up you little troll, who the hell said anything about gizmodo censoring?

@Navin R Johnson: It's all research and most often governments paying.

@4nth0ny: Here's some construction pictures and info on the blue one:

I like 7 and 5, and 10 a bit.

@HideyoshiJP: Sorry ted, make that "one or two millionaires"

@robo: I'd do some fact checking before saying you won't sometimes get thrown in jail for it.

It's weird since LG phones generally look nice and they had some good contenders.

@D0ct3r: I would expect quite the opposite effect.

That thing will have 0 stability.

Did you Mr Diaz or anybody here ever consider that it's not about bringing him to the front but getting him away from the israeli guy, both to make it not seem they are in collusion (and seeing egypt had peace with israel for decades I think that might be an issue) but also to place him in the group of

@Egypt1337: "Why would a Christian website lie about this?"

@woohoo: I remind you that egypt is a very close friend of the US and the US was involved with britain in creating its powerstructure.