
It's not a robbery but a armed loan application then, I wonder what they charged him with.

@Garion: (skip to the last paragraph if you don't want to hear this)

@TanyaRei: I think you should not take any of this writeup too literal and scientific, but nevertheless one does wonder why all the 0's

@Quattro-luvr: Good point methinks, although aren't there some iconic pictures with geese or ducks or something flying when it's a bit dark against the moonlight? But even then that would be while migrating and be a special case.

Don't forget to vote for Sarah Paypal, the intelligent choice no?

@AlCaPWN96: Well it's not like it's super super bad, but I do notice a clear difference between SD and HD on HD displays, but if you are engrossed in the content you don't notice it that much after a while, provided the SD source is decent quality of course.

@Garion: I really think you should read up on it some more since I think you are mistaken.

@senorbelly: That was another excellent example yeah.

@blyan-reloaded: Interesting stuff on wikipedia on the subject:

@m0b3k3: And they don't even have all data, now think about the NSA's data store, that's why every US citizen is actually secretly hired as a data analyst by the NSA with strict instructions to not tell anybody else they are.

Comparison with floppies? Is that a gesture towards mccain?

For the criminal elements amongst us: GSM phones do have a unique identifier (IMSEI), so changing SIM cards is not enough if you are into major crimes.

@AlCaPWN96: But don't you think that SD looks a bit poor on a HD display?

@Natey: Speed is better on average it seems from various testsites and from my own speedtests to russian servers, and quality is good too (no lost packets or stuff like that), but I'm not russian so perhaps somebody from russia can give the real details.

@ziffelbat: Well it's not like the US is the only country with prudish influences, I think millage varies depending on what country you look at, each one seems to have something where they go a bit overboard in shunning it.

@AlCaPWN96: I bet you don't have a HD display then (or are in desperate need of glasses).

@NotEuroTrash: Something useful like the world wide web (HTML) where you are putting your big mouth right now?

@senorbelly: Example: Say a word that even vaguely offends a conservative christian on the steam game system forums (that has control of more than half the PC games now), and you'll be banned for life...

@token_liberal: They just had an election and another party won, it's a bit unsure what's going on now.