Look at this guy, a veritable Mandy-Lore-ian.
Look at this guy, a veritable Mandy-Lore-ian.
I . . . kind of like Island of Dr. Moreau.
Hey did you know H.P. Lovecraft was very racist?
I mean it’s entirely possible that it will go on for quite a while yet. But ‘the Rules’ get longer and longer every month, the mods are are Quite Woke. Their main hobby is banning anyone not from the USA for whom this PC stuff is kind of risible (except for a group of Israelis who have succeeded in convincing them…
I am watching the Disqus-based Avocado site (AV Club After Dark, get it?) slowly implode, as online forums all eventually seem to do, in boiling acrimony over charges of bigotry, denials of bigotry, mod favoritism, abuse of mod tools, and various other things.
ACTUP had this all figured out 25+ years ago: Shelters kill. Housing works.
So I mean people are asking, “How do we overcome fascism?”
Those people in the silly costumes look dumb standing there.
It’s mid- to late-January. We are in The Dry Season.
I think I’m watching and listening to so many “let’s make fun of bad movies” media these days that it may be affirmatively damaging my ability to enjoy *any* movie. I’m watching MST3K, Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic and listening to How Did This Get Made, Nathan Rabin, Boys’ Bible Study (a new discovery; group makes fun…
I’ve never heard anyone discuss it before now.
Yep; my dad grew up in Queens in the 50s, 60s, 70s (odd to think of him living just a couple dozen blocks from the Trumps). And visiting the NYC Transit Museum, he was thrilled to see these old things, with the cane seats and such.
Video games aren’t very good.
Feel like at this point, after years of pondering the question, we ought to have received definitive word about whether or not they are, in fact, giants.
That all looks terrible.
Yes, and then you can get the Google Glass slapped off your stupid face just like last time you stupid computer dweebs tried this!
Or you could go for a walk in the woods.
Virtual Reality: No, It Still Isn’t Very Good At All
I support Hermione-Giant Squid fan fic.
“ You can’t make an argument that it’s OK for people to rip off just the people you dislike”