
“So, I think the moral of the story is, everyone needs to buy an Alfa Giulia.”

7 year loans.

We Latinos dont use the word because it’s condescending and stupid. Keep it on tumblr.

It doesn’t even make sense in the Spanish language in the first place.

Splinter keeps using Latinx as an editorial affectation, even when the Latina to whom they are speaking keeps saying “Latinos.”

I couldn’t help but notice this particular latina candidate’s lack of use of the word “latinx” all throughout the interview. The same can’t be said about the interviewer, who correctly signals her wokeness at every possible turn.

Aww come on.  He’s being pretty harmless here.  

I mean..i dont think hes mentally ill at all. I think hes just a Real American™

The last paragraph about comas and all that shit was 100% Reefer Madness. I want to know why all the posts on here are getting a shit ton of stars. Seems like some manipulation to me. Especially considering all of it was anecdotal af, and had zero proof of anything claimed. The fuck couldn’t even name the “local radio

lol you’re not their doctor and how/how fast someone weans is none of your fucking business

I’m not mad at the people who “hooked me on smoking” because I didn’t start smoking until I was in my late 20s, when I started writing heavily, because I enjoyed pairing an unfiltered cigarette and scotch while trying to cram my soul into a paragraph. I was convinced I would eventually write the next Great American

I think we are blowing this WAY out of proportion. 

Plural of anecdote is not “data.”

Actually, blacks account for 51% of murders according to the FBI. Whites account for 53% of mass shootings while being 60% of the country and blacks account for about 25% of mass shootings despite being only 13% of the country.  (Think daily Chicago news).  Keep up the white hate though.

Black people talk during movies though. That’s far worse than this made up clickbait.

*googles chicago*

Isn’t calling people incels akin to trotting out those tired, old “you probably live in your parents’ basement” jokes?

You, my friend are exactly the problem in this country today! I have no idea why people side with the multi billion dollar companies versus people just trying to make a couple extra dollars. who are you to decide what a skilled worker is! I feel sorry for you that you look at humanity in such a poor light!!!

And they are lying about Warren’s presidential votes here. Again, I hate them so much.

Yup, farbeit for people to understand context of any sort of criticism. Clearly it's blind hatred!