
Ah, you’re back, haven’t seen any videos since you played the game where you’re the son of Satan.

So you’re saying it’s like being born into a family worth millions or billions?

Ah yes, a phone for those of us that need another excuse not to fly.

Sounds like the interviewer seriously triggered Edgar.

Space Wine: for when you need the highest top shelf experience physically possible.

Just like I said before: nobody should take Pascal’s comments seriously. She has no idea what she’s talking about and likes to just say things.

That’d be wild!

I’d love to see future articles comparing the cancer risk of space travel to more terrestrial dangers like cigarette smoking.

Seems like it would be a better fit for a pvp overwatch style video game.

You definitely need to be careful with these.

Finally! My dream of Planets of the Apes can be realized!

Here is an exclusive image of Phil Lord leaving his last meeting with Disney Execs. Chris Miller was forced to watch and then left in a similar manner.

I’d love to see an entire map deforested by single tree removal requests.

Dear God... How many people had to die just to figure out how to do this?

Hey, I’m all for two planetary daddies teaming up to go on gnarly space adventures.

He’s the life seeder now, eh?

Perhaps that uniform was made in direct reaction to this new uniform?

It’s confidential, so only what’s been leaked to the public is known. But after Sony’s fuckups with Spiderman I doubt that Disney would give them much wiggle room.