
The internet gaming community tends to get hyperbolic towards the negative side, which is a shame. So many good qualities in so many games just glossed over.

It was one of the films shown at the 2015 Jalopnik Film Festival and won Audience’s Choice.

Cautiously excited. If Disney is betting so much money on this, then I have some faith that Cameron will get it right. I’m still unsure, though. The success of Avatar 2 will really affect my excitement for the rest of the series.

Video game movies seem to suffer from the same fate as old comic book movies - they miss the feel of the source material. They change things that do not need to be changed, and often times maybe they shouldn’t be changed. Respect the source material, and find out why people like it so much. What makes it special? If

It’s a military blog. Things will naturally be political as they adhere to the author’s understandings of the military, and at a larger scale, the politics related to it. Glean facts where you can as bias is unavoidable, but not all statements - agreeable or disagreeable with your political views - are facts.

It has been stated that the PM uses radiation as its source of energy. It’s easy to infer that the PM could’ve absorbed the energy from the nuke. If not the radioactive core, at least the systems that could trigger it.

Same kinda planning for the Warframe community’s 72hr charity stream this past weekend. Better this way for health.

What’s exciting to me though, is that the LC-F is already trademarked.

I’m kinda sad they didn’t include a Rush mode like in Battlefield, where you capture objectives as you move along. The whole rush/siege concept is like a mini story that plays out as the battles move along. It would’ve been perfect for a game like this, where clans would be able make castles and siege others’.

Toyota is like the little nephew who’s trying to imitate their successful uncle’s look. Lexus may not be pretty in the eyes of many but at least it doesn’t look like a cheap attempt to ape brand image success.

This is why it hits all the right notes for me, I think.

Neutral: Deal

They had one very memorable one of a 2005-era Sienna drifting sideways in slow motion. Little talking, more just watching a minivan drift.

If you’re playing in pugs, have no expectations.

It’s for hygiene. Wash your eating utensils before you eat. Cleans off the soap/dust/other dirty stuff that accidentally gets left behind.

Minimal HUD is also why I like playing shooters without the crosshair. It makes me notice the environment (and hence, players) more and helps me be a better shooter in general.

I wouldn’t be too worried about the Model 3. It’s not trying anything new or risky beyond being an inexpensive EV. They’ve recently hired an engineer from Volvo to help improve interior quality as well (which is what almost all of their reliability complaints are about). It’s not using fancy handles or fancy doors,

Legacy actually gets really good if you watch Uprising first. What Legacy lacked was a shitton of backstory. You don’t get much time to be immersed in the world.

Not disagreeing, but using the word in a more competitive way i.e. I’m hoping they give Tesla some competition.

I like Tesla, but from what Lucid has been putting out, I’m cheering for them. They have the potential to beat Tesla and they’re doing it without excessive self-fanfare (...as is the case with FF). The car looks great (I’m in love with that interior), inside and out, and they’re being honest and humble with their