
Yeah well “most of the country” didn’t vote ... so their opinion doesn’t count ...

Wikipedia says she’s 35... is that bs or is there a medical reason she looks 50

Well Bernie Sanders didn’t provide any real solutions or even good pipe-dream ideas, so you should stop the whinging act. Democrats didn’t want him, Trump or no Trump. You don’t get to decide what liberal means

If the navy was buying more missiles, they wouldn’t have to charge as much per-missile to cover the sunk costs of manufacturing and design

Take into account the cost of the pilot, the cost of the jet (which could run out of fuel on the way back, or attempting to tailhook on the carrier, even without enemy contact), the cost of supporting aircraft to provide radar intercept for the jet, the cost of operating an aircraft carrier flight deck, the extreme

I knew this guy when we were both in the US Naval Sea Cadets. This definitely sounds like him, he was extremely dramatic and often full of shit. He definitely had the habit of identifying people as enemies and retaliating against them by playing the internet tough guy. Very smart dude but obviously some personality

I knew this guy when we were both in the US Naval Sea Cadets. He was dramatic as all fuck and frequently full of shit. Not surprised at all. And he’s definitely the type to see enemies everywhere and retaliate against them by playing internet tough guy. Very smart dude but it was clear there was some stuff going

That flexibility is not inherent to independent contractors, and has little if nothing to do with determining whether a driver is an IC or employee

Yeah but your personal preference doesn’t determine whether you are an IC or an employee. the Fair Labor Standards Act does...

They wouldn’t necessarily lose that flexibility, as many people would not drive for uber if that was the case.

If people stopped readily accepting this “side gig” bullshit and demanded employee status to which they are legally entitled, the drivers you know wouldn’t NEED a side gig.

Isn’t that just a cooler way of telling people that you don’t make enough money at your first job to pay the bills?

Uber only allows them to drive certain kinds of cars, mandates that they accept credit card, not cash (so Uber essentially processes every payment) these factors indicate employee rather than IC status. Please give us the basis for your determination that they are “absolutely” ICs....

Many traditional cabbies are independent contractors. The difference is that Uber doesn’t treat its drivers as ICs... it mandates what types of car they can drive and what methods of payment they may accept. That’s exerting significant control on the driver. The reason Uber exists is because it doesn’t register its

Yeah because the Dakotas and its watershed isn’t already mixed in with a sea of oil and nat gas... it’s attention seeking, most of these people are not locals or natives

“in 1972"

HBO has been a beloved safe harbor extremely graphic sexual and violent content ... it’s only after GoT went mainstream, white bread (read: boring) people are watching and demanding they tone it down. HBO should remember its core constituency ... the people who would not watch but for the sex and violence that others

Those people have fucked up priorities, we don’t even have a code of ethics regarding other humans... at least not one that any 3 people can agree on...

The only real rational for ethics is to encourage other beings to reciprocate that same treatment towards oneself. We don’t murder people because we don’t want

Also, working remotely is no way to make a career for yourself. It’s great if you’re doing data entry or something but it’s not realistic to collaborate remotely, especially for developer-types who lack social skills

Having lived in the bay area most of my life, inequity is not the cause of homelessness in the city. If you gave some of these people enough to pay rent for a year they’d probably wear nicer clothes and cop better booze and be sleeping on the street. In many cases it’s a lifestyle choice. People come here for the