
Do we have to go to NCM or is there a web link to research VINs? I'm curious to learn more about mine.

If it was a 450hp monster I'd buy one... Nutjobs like me aside, you're right.

Typical Mazda. Pretty car, weak sauce powertrain. It’s almost like they just don’t want to try. This will enjoy weak sales like the rest of their underpowered models.

Wait. He’s been convicted for transporting child pornography before and shows up to an FBI interview with more pics on his phone? Dude deserves a medal in repeat dumbassery. (And lots more time in jail since the Czech prison didn’t get the point across.)

‘Taking bribes in strip clubs’ is totally going on my bucket list. Probably just ahead of ‘escape from justice in a roadie box’. I really need to work in the auto industry!

I love driving. At night, on empty roads, by myself. I hate driving in traffic.

So, did they copy this idea from China or was it the other way around? Yet another company I’ll be avoiding...

What about “come to a complete stop before shifting?” I’ve lost count of the times my dad rolled out of the driveway in reverse at -10 mph, threw it into D without stopping, let the transmission handle the momentum, and then drove off. I’ve also lost count of how many transmissions he had to have rebuilt.

I turn the car off, release the clutch, pull the parking brake, then slowly let off the regular brake. I don’t want the clutch in any longer than necessary, although I can’t justify this.

No, he just drove by

Not gonna lie, I actually started wondering if oranges grew in palm trees. Then I saw them... Lol.

Mmmm. I believe I see some OZ Ultraleggerras. Had them on my S2000 in the same silver. Great wheels.

Actually it’s not the power, it’s the lack of torque. Swap a K24 into one and we'd love it. Nobody complained about the RSX being slow.

Same thing happened to me. Then I got in a used IS250 and it felt like a rocketship by comparison. These toyobarus are the only cars that feel slower than my S2000 (below VTEC).  I'd rather drive a Sentra.

A friend of mine let me drive his scat pack Challenger. My brain is still confused. How can something so big move so well? They're really well sorted. Also no complaints about the clutch, it was great. 

A new T bird or Cougar would be so awesome... Sexy, fast, comfy, roomy.

Ive been shopping Camaros and just went to look at a 2017 SS last week. The visibility was a show stopper for me, and the interior felt like it was from 1995 with all the hard plastic. I think the fugly happened with the unnecessary 2018 refresh. The 2016-17 cars are really good looking. But sadly I just can't see

Spot on. Car companies are blowing scandalous amounts of money on new platforms when we all really just want more power, more tech, and more comfort.

Agreed on all points. But I have to admit that I’m bummed that Interpol won’t give chase. Can we hope for at least one raid on his residence in Lebanon by ninjas?

There’s a lot to consider here.